Vocab Week 2b amplector-axis Flashcards
amplector, -i, amplexus 3 (dep)
entwine, cherish, embrace
amplitudo, amplitudinis f3
size, dignity, importance
amplius (comp adv of amplus)
more (than), further
amplus, -a, -um
large, sufficient, distinguished
ancilla, ancillae f1
slave-girl, female slave
anceps, ancipitis 3
two-headed, double, uncertain, dangerous
ancora, ancorae f1
anguis, anguis m3
angulus, anguli m2
angle, corner, quiet place, nook
angustiae, angustiarum f1
narrowness, a pass, poverty, difficulty
angustus, -a, -um
narrow, needy, difficulty
anilis, -is, -e 3
of/ like an old woman
anima, animae f1
soul, breath, life
animadverto, -ere, animadverti, animadversum 3
to turn ones mind to, notice, criticise
animal, animalis n3
animal, creature
animus, animi m2
mind, heart, feeling, spirit, will, desire, temper, courage
in animo habeo
to intend
in animo volvo
to ponder
annus, anni m2
ante (pre + acc)
before, in front of
previously, before, beforehand, formerly
before this/ that
before this, previously
antiquus, -a, -um
ancient, old, old fashioned
antrum, antri n2
cave, hollow, grotto
anulus, anuli m2
ring, signet ring
anus, anus f4
old woman
anxius, -a, -um
anxious, distraught
aperio, -ire, aperui, apertum
open, reveal, explain
apertus, -a, -um
opened, open
appareo, -ere, 2
appello, -are, 1
to call, name, address
appello, -ere, appuli, appulsum 3
to drive towards, put in (boat)
appetens, appetentis, 3
eager, anxious, greedy
appeto, -ere, appetivi, appetitum 3
make for, seek
appropinquo, -are 1
approach, draw near
apto, -are 1
fit, equip, adapt, a use
aptus, -a, -um
suitable, appropriate, fitting
apud (pre + acc)
in the presence of, among, at the house of, in the works of, near
aqua, aquae f1
aquila, aquilae f1
eagle, standard of a legion
aquor, -ari, 1 (dep)
fetch water
ara, arae f1
arator, aratoris, m3
ploughman, farmer
aratrum, aratri n2
arbiter, arbitri, m2
witness, umpire, judge
arbitrium, arbitrii n2
decision, judgement
arbitror, -ari 1 (dep)
witness, judge, decide
arbor, arboris f3
arbustum, arbusti n2
shrub, shrubbery, plantation, orchard, vineyard
arceo, -ere 2
keep away, ward off
arcesso, -ere, arcessivi, arcessitum 3
arcus, arcus m4
bow, arch, curve
ardeo, -ere, arsi, arsum 2
to be on fire, burn (for)
ardor, ardoris m3
flame, heat, passion, eagerness
arduus, -a, -um
steep, tall, difficult
area, areae f1
level space, courtyard, threshing floor
arena, arenae f1
arena, sand
argenteus, -a, -um
made of silver
argentum, argenti n2
silver, money
argumentum, argumenti n2
argument, evidence, proof, plot of a play
argumento esse
to be a proof of, to prove
arguo, -ere, argui, argutum 3
declare, prove, accuse
aridus, -a, -um
thirsty, dry
aridum, aridi n2
dry land
aries, arietis m3
ram, battering ram
arma, armorum n2
arms, armour, equipment
arma capio
take up arms
arma sumo
take up arms
armatus, -a, -um
armatus, armati m2
armed man
armo, -are 1
arm, equip
aro, -are 1
arrigo, -ere, adrexi, adrectum 3
erect, lift, excite, prick up
arripio, -ere, arripui, arreptum 3/4
sieze, appropriate
arrogantia, arrogantiae f1
arrogance, demands
ars, artis f3
art, skill, technique, craftsmanship
artifex, artificis m3
artist, craftsman, author
artificium, artificii n2
craft, art, skill, device, stratagem, theory
artus, -us m4
joints, limbs
arvum, arvi n2
ploughland, fields (pl. area, region)
arx, arcis f3
citadel, stronghold, strongpoint, watchtower
ascendo, -ere, ascendi, ascensum 3
climb, go up, board a ship
asper, aspera, asperum
rough, harsh, wild, sour
asperitas, asperitatis f3
roughness, harshness, severity, sourness
asporto, -are 1
carry off
astrum, astri n2
star, constellation, heaven
ater, atra, atrum
black, unlucky
atrium, atrii n2
hall, main room, entrance
atrox, atrocis 3
harsh, terrible, savage
but, however
attingo, -ere, attigi 3
touch, reach, border on, affect, involve
attollo, -ere 3
raise, lift up
attonitus, -a, -um
astonished, stunned
attribuo, -ere, attribui, attributum 3
allot, assign, hand over
auctor, autoris m3
author, instigator, authority, creator, founder
auctoritas, auctoriatatis f3
authority, power
audacia, audaciae f1
boldness, daring
audax, audacis 3
bold, rash, reckless, dangerous
audeo, -ere, ausus 2 (semi dep)
audio, -ire 4
hear, listen to
aufero, -ferre, abstuli, ablatum
take away, steal
aufugio, -ere, aufugi, aufugitum 3/4
flee, escape
augeo, -ere, auxi, auctum n2
increase, intensify
augur, auguris m3
augur, soothsayer
augurium, augurii n2
interpretation of omens, augury, prophecy, omen
aula, aulae f1
hall, palace
aura, aurae f1
air, breeze, wind
aureus, -a, -um
golden, wonderful
auris, auris f3
aurum, auri n2
auspicium, auspicii n2
divination by the flight of birds, an omen, leadership
aut… aut
either… or
but, however, now
auxilium, auxili n2
help, assistance
auxilia, auxiliorum n2
auxiliary troops
auxilio esse
to help, be of assistance
avaritia, avaritiae f1
greed, meanness
avarus, -a, -um
greedy, miserly
avarus, avari m2
miser, greedy man
avello, -ere, avulsi, avulsum 3
tear away, break off
aversus, -a, -um
turned away, hostile
averto, -ere, averti, aversum 3
turn away/ aside, steal
avia, aviae f1
avidus, -a, -um
greedy, longing for, eager
avis, avis f3
bird, omen
avitus, -a, -um
of a grandfather, ancestral, inherited
avus, avi m2
grandfather, ancestor
axis, axis m3
axle, wheel, chariot, axis of the earth, pole