Trinity Week 2 Flashcards
species, speciei f5
appearance, beauty
spectaculum, spectaculi n2
spectacle, show
spectator, spectatoris m3
specto, -are 1
look at/ towards, consider, watch
speculor, -ari 1 dep
look out, spy
spelunca, speluncae f1
cave, grotto
sperno, -ere, sprevi, spretum 3
despise, reject
spero, -are 1
hope, look forward to
spes, spei f5
hope, expectation
spiritus, spiritus m4
breathing, breath
spiro, -are 1
splendidus, -a, -um
shining, important, distinguished
splendor, splendoris m3
briliance, distinction
spolia, spoliorum n2
spolia opima
spoils given to a victorious general
spolio, -are 1
strip, despoil
spondeo, -ere, spopondi, sponsum 3
pledge, promise, support
sponsus, -a, -um
promised, betrothed, engaged
of one’s own accord, voluntarily
spumo, -are 1
foam, froth
statio, stationis f3
post, outpost
statua, statuae f1
statuo, -ere, statui, statutum 3
decide, establish
status, status m4
standing, posture, position, situation
stella, stellae f1
star, comet
sterno, -ere, stravi, stratum 3
flatten, lay out, fell, defeat
stilus, stili m2
stilus, pen
stipendium, stipendii n2
soldier’s pay, payment, salary, military service
stipo, -are 1
pack together, surround, guard
stirps, stirpis f3
root, stock, family, offspring
sto, -are, steti, statum 1
stand, remain
stola, stolae f1
strages, stragis f3
heap, carnage, destruction