Vocab Quiz 8 Flashcards
grass or other plants grown for feeding grazing animals, as well as land used for grazing.
land ordinance of 1785
a law that divided much of the united states into a system of townships to facilitate the scale of land to settlers.
popular culture
culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences, in other personal characteristics.
theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives.
post-fordist production
adoption by companies of flexible work rules,like the location of workers to teams that perform a variety of tasks.
potential reserve
the amount of energy in deposits not yet identified but thought to exist.
primary sector
portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from earths surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry.
landlocked state
a state that doesnt have a direct outlet to the sea.
identity with a group of people descended from a common ancestor.
self determination
concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves.
site factors
location factors related to the costs of factors of production inside the plants,like land,labor, and capital.
a law that places maximum limits on the number of people who can immigrate to a country each year.
the location of a place relative to other places.
standard language
the form of a language used for official government buisness, education, and mass communications.
life expectancy
average number of years an individual can be expected to live, given social, economic, and medical conditions.
a permanent collection of buildings and inhabitants.
literary traditions
a language that is written as well as spoken.
person who works feilds rented from a loandowners and pays the rent and repays loans by turning over to the landowner a share of the crops.
any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns the money to those who provide it.
net migration
the difference between the level of immigration and the level of emigration.