Quiz 5 part 2 Flashcards
elongated state
state with a long, narrow shape.
fragmented state
state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territories.
compact state
state where the distance from the center to any boundary doesn’t vary.
industrial revolution
series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.
dispersed rural settlement
a rural settlement pattern characterized by isolated farms rather than clustered villages.
a ring of land maintained as parks, agriculture, or other types of open space to limit the sprawl of an urban area.
a repetitive act performed by a particular individual
ethnic religion
a religion with a relatively concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely to be based on the physical characteristics of the particular location in which its adherents are concentrated.
a regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
a process of improvement in the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.
a process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low income renter occupied area to a predominantly middle class owner occupied area.
a process of change in the use of a house from single family owner occupancy to abandonment.
process by which real estate agents convince white property owners to sell their houses at low prices because of fear that black families will soon move into the neighborhood.
Gravity Model
a model that holds that the potential use of a service at a particular location is directly related to the distance people must travel to reach the service.
Concentric Zone model
model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings.