Quiz 1 - 3 Flashcards
Vernacular Region
How people think about a region like the south.
the name of a place on earths surface.
collection of books and journals in economics.
Hierarchical Diffusion
spread of a tradition from one key person to other people.
Change of culture and ideas.
Satellite navigation system that gives location and time info in all weather conditions.
System that captures, store, analyze, manage, and present all kinds of geographic data.
friction of distance
as the distance from a point increases, the interactions with that point decreases.
Time zones
A region where the standard times the same.
Formal Region
A uniform area where they all share a common attribute like language, climate, or political system.
A line that goes around the globe through the center.
Environmental Determinism
The view that the physical environment sets limits on human environment.
the arrangement of something across earths surface.
Distance Decay
the disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin.
One of several transport phenomena that occur in nature.
How compact an object is.
Different ways people live their life.
Cultural landscape
combined work of nature and land.
Uneven Development
The increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions as a result of globalization.
Stimulus diffusion
A person gets a culture element from someone else but gives it in a different way or a characteristic is rejected.
Physical character of a place.
Robinson Projection
a world map that solved the problem of showing the globe flat and instead showed it circular.
tool that tells distance on a map.
Remote Sensing
Data about earth surface from a satellite.
Relocation Diffusion
Spread of a idea through physical movement of people from one place to another.
The scientific method of transferring locations on earths surface to a flat map.
The environment sets certain limits, and culture is determined by social conditions.
Mercator Projection
Map projection by the cartographer Gerardus Mercator and was the standard because it represents lines of constant course.
Lattitude and longitude
latitude-parallel lines that specify the north-south position of a point on Earths surface.
longitude-numbering system that tell the east-west position of a point Earths surface.
Production of maps
Contagious Diffusion
Trait spreading across a region like a disease.
Expansion Diffusion
Spread of an idea in a area in which it grows larger continuously.
International Date line
Imaginary line that runs from the North pole to the South Pole.when you go to the east or west time moves back an hour or forward an hour.
Functional Region
A place that relies on the core of the big city for the most part.
Space-time compression
The reduction of time it takes to diffuse something to a place, as a result of improved transportation.
Prime Meridian
A line of 0 degrees longitude and it divides the earth in half into the eastern and western hemispheres and passes through England.
Cultural Ecology
The study of culture and physical environments.
The location of a place relative to other places.
The studies of lands, features, the people, and Earth features.
Human Geography
The studies of the world, its people, communities and their culture, and relations of space and place.