Vocab Chapter Flashcards
Political Party
Organization created for the purpose of winning elections and governing once in office
Proportional Representation
System of representation in which seats for office are apportioned according to proportion of votes received by candidates or parties
Single-Member District
Electoral system in which the candidates receiving a plurality of votes wins the election to represent the district
Having more votes than any other single candidate; may or not constitute a majority
Duverger’s Law
Principle that asserts single member district elections lead to two party systems
Electoral College
The assemblage of state electors constitutionally charged with electing the president
Political Machine
A strong party organization that maintained control by giving favors in return for votes
A practice of providing jobs in exchange for political loyalty
Civil Services
A merit based system of employment and personnel management that replaced patronage
New Deal Coalition
Constellation of social groups that became the core base of support for the Democratic Party after the election of Roosevelt
Periodic changes in party strength, composition, and direction
Critical Elections
Elections signaling realignments, often sweeping the opposition party into control of the presidency and congress
Divided Government
Control of the White House by one party while the opposition party controls one or both houses of Congress
A falloff in electoral support for both major political parties
Soft Money
Money that is outside the federal regulatory framework but that is raised and spent in a manner suggesting possible intent to affect federal elections
Hard Money
Campaign money received by candidates or parties that can be used for any purpose
National Convention
Event held every four years by each political party to formally anoint its presidential candidate and to signal the initiation of the general election campaign
Statement of political principles and campaign promises generated by each party at its national convention
Safe Seats
Legislative districts that regularly remain in the same candidate or party
The geographic area served by a polling place and organized by local party units
Third Parties
Minor parties that run a slate of their own candidates in opposition to major party organization in an election
Splinter Parties
Political parties that are formed as offshoots of major political parties, usually by dissenters
Ideological Parties
Minor parties organized around distinct ideological principles
Single Issue or Candidates Parties
Minor parties arising in electoral response to important issues not addressed by major party candidates or around a strong personality
Primary Election
Election in which voters chose candidates to represent the political parties in the general election
Closed primary
Election in which voters can choose from potential nominees only within their own party
Open Primary
Election in which voters can choose to vote for potential nominees from their own party or those from the other major political party
Blanket Primary
Election in which voters can choose from among potential nominees in both parties; currently outlawed by the U.S Supreme Court
Top Two Primary
Primary election in which voters choose from a list of all candidates regardless of party, with the top two facing off in the general election
Run Off Election
Second election between top two vote getters in a race that did not produce a majority winner
Earned Media
Media attention for which candidates do not pay; associated with major events like debates
Paid Media
Media access for which candidates or party must pay a fee; adverstisements
Negative or Attack Advertising
Advertising that attacks one’s opponents usually on the basis of issue stance or character