Vocab 5 Definitions Flashcards
Adroit (adj)
Very clever or skillful; resourceful
Amenable (adj)
Having an inclination to do something; willing to be persuaded
Aspersion (n)
A false, misleading charge meant to harm someone’s reputation
Clairvoyant (adj)
Clairvoyance (n)
Able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
Capitulate (v)
To stop fighting an enemy/opponent; to surrender after negotiations
Cursory (adj)
Rapidly and often superficially performed or produced
Dearth (n)
The state or condition of not having enough of something; scarcity or lack
Despot (n)
Despotic (adj)
A ruler who has total power and often uses it in cruel ways; cruel or tyrannical
Fracas (n)
Noisy argument or fight
Myopic (adj)
Lack of foresight or discernment, narrow view of something; difficulty in seeing objects far away
Equivocate (v)
Equivocation (adj)
The use unclear language to deceive or mislead someone
Germane (adj)
Being both relevant and appropriate
Hegemony (n)
Influence or control over a group of people (nation, etc.)
Probity (n)
Honesty and integrity; adherence to the highest principles and ideals
Puerile (adj)
Silly or childish; lacking seriousness or good judgement