Vocab 1 Definitions Flashcards
Acumen (n)
Keenness, depth of perception or discernment
Assuage (v)
To lessen the intensity or ease something; to pacify/quiet
Ardent (adj)
Having or showing very strong feelings; zealous
Avarice (n)
Excessive, insatiable desire for gain/wealth
Bifurcate (v)
To divide into branches or parts
Fork in the road
Clandestine (adj)
Done in secret or secretive manner
Clemency (n)
Kind or merciful treatment who could be given harsh punishment
Deign (v)
To do something that is “beneath” you; to condescend reluctantly
Cleaning bathrooms
Eclectic (adj)
Composed of elements from various sources
Ethereal (adj)
Lacking material substance; celestial; heavenly (ghostly)
The Holy Ghost
Fetid (adj)
Having a strong, unpleasant smell
Boys’ bathroom
Garish (adj)
excessively or too vivid or bright; tastelessly showy
London from The Suite Life
Inane (adj)
Empty, insubstantial; lacking significance or meaning
Hallmark movies
Largess (n)
Generosity of spirit or attitude; charitable
Levity (n)
Excessive or unseemly frivolity or lightheartedness
Brothers during scriptures
Palpable (adj)
Capable of being touched or felt; tangible; easily perceptible; noticeable
Pedantic (adj)
Having a very narrow focused knowledge on a subject and tending to show it off by pointing out small details/mistakes
CNA workbook
Pejorative (n/adj)
A word or phrase that is inherently insulting or belittling
The “N” word
Platitude (n)
A trite/stale remark; an overused saying or cliche
“Better late than never”
Rife (adj)
Abundant, common, prevalent
Chaos at home
Succinct (adj)
Using few words to express an idea; marked by compact and precise expression
Ubiquitous (adj)
Existing or being everywhere at once; widespread
Unilateral (adj)
Done or undertaken by one person/party; having/affecting one side
My friendship with Carson
Vacillate (v)
To waver in mind, will, or feeling; to hesitate in making choices
Me choosing anything
Vilify (v)
To say or write harsh and critical things about someone/thing; to slander/defame
The letters in the book The Captain’s Confidant