Vocab 4 Definitions Flashcards
Cathartic (adj)
Catharsis (n)
The act/process of releasing a strong emotion, especially in art form (Often has a “healing” or purging feel)
Cathedrals, glass-stained windows, other art like paintings
Circumspect (adj)
Thinking carefully about possible risks before doing/saying; to consider all circumstances
What I’m working towards
To come together to form one group/mass
Cognizant (adj)
Aware of something; knowledgeable or mindful of something
My sensitivity to others’ needs and emotions
Deleterious (adj)
Harmful, often in a subtle or unexpected way
Not getting enough sleep
Divestiture (n)
The act of divesting or selling stock, property on compulsion-usually from the government
Financial lit class
Effusive (adj)
Expressing a lot of emotion; great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm
Me about lots of stuff
Erudite (n)
Having or showing knowledge gained by study; knowledgeable
Greg and Jen with injuries
Esoteric (adj)
Only taught to or understood by members of a special group; requiring knowledge only available to a restricted group
Frenetic (adj)
Filled with excitement, activity, or confusion; wild or frantic
Football games
Gregarious (adj)
Enjoying the company of other people; tending to live in groups
Me and Greg
Harangue (v/n)
Ranting speech or writing; forceful or angry speech
Me at Daniel because of the water incident
Hubris (n)
A foolish or exaggerated pride or self-confidence
Dr. Doof
Indolent (adj)
Adverse to activity, effort or movement; habitually lazy
Mom and baby nurses
Innocuous (adj)
Causing/producing no injury or harm; not likely to bother or offend