Vocab 2 Definitions Flashcards
Affably (adv)
Affable (adj)
Pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial
Copious (adj)
Large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful
Derisive (adj)
Characterized by or expressing derision (scorn/ridicule) mocking
Detritus (n)
The pieces that are left when something breaks/falls apart/is destroyed; loose material
My life
Disparate (adj)
Different from each other; markedly distinct in quality or character
My left leg
Doppelganger (n)
Ghostly double or counterpart of a living person; a look-alike
My mom and me
Eschew (v)
To shun; to avoid
Roy’s family
Goad/Goading (v)
Something that urges, pokes, or prods into action
Cattle prod
Incontrovertible (adj)
Not open to question or dispute; indisputable
I need sleep
Irascible (adj)
Becoming angered easily; having a bad temper
Malediction (n)
A curse; imprecation (an unpleasant lecture)
When my mom takes my things for whatever reason
Morose (adj)
Characterized by or expressing gloom
Perfidy (n)
An act or instance of faithlessness or treachery
Judas in the bible
Perfunctory (adj)
Done without energy or enthusiasm because it is expected or routine; lacking interest
Cleaning bathrooms
Protuberant (adj)
Bulging out beyond the surrounding surface; protruding; projecting
Fish eyes