Vocab Flashcards
A technique for determining genetic abnormalities in a fetus by the presence of certain chemicals or defective fetal cells in the amniotic fluid, obtained by aspiration from a needle inserted into the uterus
To be capable of combining with complementary nucleic acid by a process of heating and cooling
Carrier screening
Indiscriminate examination of members of a population to detect heterozygotes for serious disorders
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
A technique for diagnosing genetic and congenital defects in a fetus by removing and analyzing a sample of the fetal portion of the placenta
In DNA, the separation of the two strands of the double helix.
A discrete unit of hereditary information consisting of a specific nucleotide sequence of DNA
Genetic counseling
A process of communication that deals with the occurrence or risk that a genetic disorder will occur in a family
Genetic testing
The use of methods to determine if someone has a genetic disorder, will develop one, or is a carrier
The complement of an organism’s genes; an organisms genetic material
The genetic makeup of an organism
A display of the chromosome pairs of a cell arranged by size and shape
Newborn screening
The analysis of a neonate’s blood for metabolic or genetic disorders to prevent mental retardation, disability or death
The physical and physiological traits of an organism
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
A technique that involves copying short pieces of DNA and then making millions of copies in a short period of time
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
In assisted reproductive technology, the determination of genetic abnormalities in the embryo before it is transferred to the uterus
A short piece of DNA or RNA that is complementary to a section of template strand and acts as an attachment and starting point for the synthesis strand during DNA replication
Restriction enzyme
A degradative enzyme that recognizes specific nucleotide sequences and cuts up DNA.
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
One base-pair variation in the genome sequence
The (usually) clear liquid left behind after a precipitate has been spun down to the bottom of a vessel by centrifugation
Taq polymerase
A DNA synthesis enzyme that can withstand the high temperatures of PCR
Thermal cycler
An instrument that automatically cycles through different temperatures used to complete PCR reactions
A noninvasive technique involving the formation of a two-dimensional image used for the examination and measurement of internal body structures and the detection of bodily abnormalities
Using a somatic or body cell from a multicellular organism to make one or more genetically identical individuals
Gene therapy
The alteration of the genes of a person afflicted with a genetic disease
In Vitro Fertilization
A procedure in which gametes are fertilized in a dish in the laboratory, and the resulting zygote is implanted in the uterus for development
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
In assisted reproductive technology, the determination of genetic abnormalities in the embryo before it is transferred to the uterus
Sex selection
Methods used to predetermine or diagnose the sex of an embryo for the purpose of selecting only those embryos of a particular sex for transplanting to the uterus of a woman
An agent (as a plasmid or virus) that contains or carries modified genetic material and can be used to introduce extra genes into the genome of an organism