VN 34 Test 6 Flashcards
- Cleft palate post op nursing interventions (PP slide 13)
Suction & Position to facilitate drainage, gentle w/bulb syringe as needed
Encourage parental attachment
Assist w/feeding techniques
Monitor weight & for dehydration
Elbow restraints(because they want to touch & pull)
NPO 2hr post op, then liquid 3-4 days
- Identification steps to safeguarding baby (CH.13 PP slide 22)
Verify ID bands on both mom & baby
Verify Gender
Verify DOB
Verify mom’s medical record number
Verify any health care worker ID badges
- Trisomy 21 manifestations (PP slide 30)
Brachycephaly (deformity in skull), short stature, flattened bridge of nose
Thick hypotonic muscles, protruding tongue, dry cracked , fissure skin that may be mottled
Small hands w/short broad fingers & curved 5th finger, single deep crease on palm of hand, wide space between 1st & 2nd toes
Lax muscle tone
Heart & eye anomalies, upward slanted eyes
Greater susceptibility to leukemia
- Client education/considerations & health benefits for circumscision (CH.13 pp slide 22)
Monitor for S/S of infection (drainage or redness @ base)
As healing occurs a yellow crusty material will form
Apply petroleum jelly w/diaper changes
No baths until healed
Health benefits
Easier hygiene
Decreased risk of STIs, penile cancer & cervical cancer in partners
- Hydrocephalus manifestations (PP slide 5)
Rapid head growth w/widening cranial sutures
Bulging fontanels
Increasingly helpless, increased intracranial pressure (PRIORITY)
Neck muscles fail to develop sufficiently, newborn has difficulty raising or turning head
Dilated scalp veins
Sun-setting signs
- APGAR meaning (CH.13 PP slide 8-11)–Appearance–
A-appearance (skin color)
Pale or blue = 0
Body normal skin tone but extremities blue = 1
Normal skin tone = 2
APGAR meaning (CH.13 PP slide 8-11)–Pulse–
Absent = 0
Less than 100bpm = 1
100bpm or more = 2
APGAR meaning (CH.13 PP slide 8-11)–Grimace—
G- grimace (reflex irritability/response)
No response to stimulation = 0
Grimace but no cry to stimulation = 1
Cry & active movement = 2
APGAR meaning (CH.13 PP slide 8-11)–Activity–
A-Activity (Muscle Tone)
None, flaccid = 0
Some flexion of arms & legs =1
Arms & legs flexed & in motion = 2
APGAR meaning (CH.13 PP slide 8-11)–Respiration–
Absent = 0
Weak, irregular cry = 1
Strong, vigorous cry = 2
APGAR interventions (CH.13 pp slide 8-11)
Score 7-10: no interventions, baby doing good just needs routine post care
Score 4-6: some resuscitation assistance required. Oxygen, suction, stimulate the baby, rub baby’s back (reassess in 5 mins after performing intervention)
Score 0-3: need full resuscitation
- Cesarean postop care of newborn (pg. 224)
Monitor newborn for respiratory distress because of retained lung fluid.
- Vitamin K administration location(CH.13 PP slide 5, ATI pg.133)
Administer 0.5- 1mg into vastus lateralis to stimulate appropriate clotting w/in 1hr of newborns birth(decreases risk of infant hemorrhagic disorders)
Not produced in the GI tract of newborn until around day 7
Is produced in the colon by bacteria once formula or breastmilk is introduced
- Client education for breastfeeding (CH.12 pp slide 8 & 14)
Early feeding helps prevent hemorrhage (infant will have 2-3 stools/day)
Engage lactation consultant for proper latching
Each feeding around 30 mins
Assess nipples & apply milk on nipple prior to feeding
Change infant position & rotate breasts in the beginning
Cleanse w/plain water, use of lanolin cream
Empty breasts completely
- Jaundice nursing considerations (CH.13 slide 4, pg.270)
If Jaundice is present before the newborn is 24hrs old (medical emergency)
Monitor bilirubin level
- Myelomeningocele nursing priorities (pg.458)
Maintain integrity of myelomeningocele (protect from damage)
Concerns related to infection, impaired skin integrity, and neuromuscular issues are included.
- Newborn expected findings r/t vital signs (CH.13 pp slide 2)
Drying the newborn is the primary action to prevent cold stress, followed by kangaroo care
If suctioning the nurse should suction mouth 1st followed by the nares (assess for mucus & suctioning need)
Respiratory function is the nurse’s priority: Normal RR 30-60min w/short apnea less than 15 secs
Keeping the newborn warm & preventing cold stress is the priority after respiration function
- Transient strabismus nursing consideration (pg.712)
Lack of muscular coordination of eye movements
The visual axes are not parallel, and diplopia (double vision) results.
-place eye patch on unaffected side, so affected side can try to adjust
- Newborn born to a GDM mom nursing considerations (CH.13 pp slide 6)
Newborn hypoglycemia is a blood glucose level less than 50mg/dL
Newborns can be asymptomatic or may demonstrate multiple signs
The most common sign is jitteriness & high pitched crying
Newborns born to moms w/GDM are at a higher risk
- Post dates manifestations
Wide eyed, hyper alert expression
Little lanugo or vernix remains
Scalp hair is abundant
Fingernails are long
Skin is dry, cracked, wrinkled, peeling & wither than a normal newborn
Little subcutaneous fat appears long & thin
- post dates complications
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Polycythemia may develop in response to intrauterine hypoxia
Polycythemia puts the infant @ risk for cerebral ischemia, thrombus formation & respiratory distress because of viscosity of the blood
At birth they may aspirate meconium into the lungs & results in meconium aspiration syndrome
- Phototherapy nursing considerations (CH.13 PP slide 4, pg.447)
A newborn who has mild-to-moderate disease (jaundice) usually receives hydration and phototherapy after birth.
If newborn undergoing phototherapy, the nurse should assess for dehydration & encourage breastfeeding 1-2hrs (Infants undergoing phototherapy need as much as 25% more fluids to prevent dehydration.)
Don’t place the lights too close, can cause burns (too far, therapy wont work)
Only place covering over genitalia to maximize the skin surge area exposed to light (turn newborn q 2hrs)
Always shield the newborn’s eyes from the UV light
Remove eye patches q4hrs to cleanse the eyes & examine for irritation, inflammation & dryness, clean & change the patches daily.
Monitor the serum bilirubin levels routinely when the infant is receiving phototherapy.
- Nursing actions for bubbling mucus
Suction w/bulb syringe (mouth first then nares)
- Discharge education for new parents (CH.13 pp slide 24)
Stool color will change in 4-5 days
If fussy check: diaper, feeding, burping
Babies sleep 16-19hrs/day
Place infant in supine position when sleeping
Sponge baths until cord falls off
Flame-retardant fabric
Never leave unattended w/peds or other small children
Car safety check
- Types of heat loss in newborn (PG.269)
Conduction: when the newborns skin touches a cold surface causing body heat to transfer to the colder object.
Convection: when air currents blow over the newborn’s body.
Evaporation: happens when the newborn’s skin is wet. As the moisture evaporates from the body surface, the newborn loses body heat along with the moisture.
Radiation: a cold object that is close to but not touching the newborn.
- Newborn reflex manifestations (CH.13 PP slide 21)
Moro: sharp hand clap near newborn
Grasping: place finger in palm
Tonic neck: turn head quickly to one side
Sucking: stroke cheek
Babinski: stoke outer edge of sole of foot
- Acrocyanosis (CH.13 PP slide 15, PG.274)
Torso looks good but extremities are cyanotic (usually resolves itself w/in 24-48hrs)
- Nursing assessment of the normal newborn (CH.13 pp slide 13)
Important way to determine how well the newborn is adapting to life outside the womb
The least disturbing aspects of the examination are completed 1st
RR & HR are taken 1st, while the newborn is quiet
Then examination proceeds in a head-to-toe manner & includes physical measurements & inspection of each body part
Clean gloves should be used if bath has not been given (standard precautions)
Eye movements are usually uncoordinated & some strabismus/nystagmus (crossed eyes) is expected.
- Teratology of Fallout manifestations (pp slide 8)
Cyanotic! (Inadequate oxygenation)
Clubbing fingers
Poor feeding or poor weight gain
Polycythemia: hydration!
- Teratology of Fallout nursing interventions (pp slide 8)
Hydration for risk of clots
High risk of CHF after surgery
During spells: young baby knee to chest, older squat
If hemoglobin is over 22 call provider!
Provide pacifier when crying, small frequent feedings