VN 34 Test 5 Postpartum Flashcards
- Postpartum hemorrhage manifestations(ch.12pp slide 6, ch.19 pp slide 2)
Greater than 500ml (after vaginal delivery)
Greater than 1000ml (after cesarean delivery)
Saturated Pads
Steady flow
Decreased H&H
Changes in LOC
Hemorrhagic shock (Hypotension & tachycardia, pallor, weakness, diaphoresis, light- headedness)
- Postpartum hemorrhage Nursing considerations: (CH.12 slide 6 & CH.19 PP slide 4)
Massage uterine fundus every 15 mins for 1-2hrs (PRIORITY)
Monitor VS (BP, HR, O2 sat)
Palpate fundus for height, firmness & location
Monitor lochia for color, quantity & clots (check for pooled blood under buttocks)
Empty & Palpate bladder for distention
Elevate legs
If no change, meds: (misoprostol, oxytocin, surgery)
- Postpartum hemorrhage Risk Factors: (CH. 19 pp slide 2)
Precipitous birth
Previous uterine surgery
LGA- macrosomia
- Expected findings during the postpartum period (CH.12 pp slide 5)
Temperature may be slightly elevated for the first 24hrs (100.4F)
Blood pressure should remain at level it was during labor.
Mild bradycardia (50-60bpm) in the early postpartum period is normal
Shaking & chills due to excess epinephrine could occur
Woman is at risk for DVT & her legs should be monitored for edema & excess heat or redness
When assessing pad, look under buttocks for pooling
- Vitamin K administration client education (CH.12 PP slide 12, ATI pg.133)
Not produced in the GI tract of newborn until around day 7
Is produced in the colon by bacteria once formula or breastmilk is introduced
Administer 0.5 -1mg IM into the vastus lateralis (side of the thigh) w/in 1hr of newborns birth to stimulate appropriate clotting
-decreases risk of infant hemorrhagic disorder
- Mastitis Manifestations: (PP slide 10)
General flu like sx
Fever of 101F (38.3c) or greater
Possibly chills
Tenderness, pain & heaviness in the breast
Erythema & edema in area localized to one breast (often pie-shaped wedge)
- Mastitis Nursing actions: (CH.19 PP slide 12)
Support continued breast-feeding, preventing milk stasis, administering ordered antibiotics (10 days if at home), complete emptying of breast
If not breastfeeding encourage manually expressing milk/using breast pump
Warm compresses/warm shower
Support & encouragement, liberal fluid intake
Refer to lactation specialist
- Breastfeeding nursing considerations (CH.12 PP slide 8)
Encourage early feeding/helps prevent hemorrhage/will help w/infant stools (2-3 a day)
Engage lactation consultant for proper latching
Each feeding around 30 mins
Assess nipples
Apply milk on nipple prior to feeding to breasts
Change infant position
Rotate breasts at beginning
- Difference between PP blues; PP depression; PP psychosis and nursing actions (Flashcard)
Most common, least serious
mild sadness & crying
Starts about 2- 3 days after delivery, resolves about 2 weeks postpartum
Severe sadness, guilt, anxiety
Anytime w/in the 1st year
If untreated : difficulty w/normal maternal infant attachment , marital discord, maternal suicide
Can be danger to self or others (baby)
More likely in woman w/hx of bipolar disorder
Medical emergency requiring inpatient treatment in mental health facility
Utilize screening tools to assess the type
- RhoGAM criteria(CH.12 PP slide 12)
Rh negative mom
Provide education to mom about reason Rhogam is administered (helps prevent formation of antibodies)
Should be administered w/in 72 hrs of delivery
- Know Uterine fundus location at PP intervals (CH.12 PP slide 3 )
Immediately after birth: midline about 2cm below umbilicus
1hr after fundus will rise to the umbilicus
At or near 12hrs: near the level of the umbilicus or 1cm above
Then descend about 1-2 cm everyday
If deviated check for full bladder, if no change after empty notify physician: PRIORITY!! (if deviated get client to bathroom, risk for hemorrhage)
- Episiotomy, laceration manifestations and nursing actions (CH.19 PP slide 9)
Bright red bleeding can be steady or a trickle
Nursing Actions:
Episiotomy discomfort w/out infection: ice packs, witch hazel w/order
Handwashing priority teaching
- Endometritis Manifestations: (pp slide 6)
Fever 100.4F (38c) or higher
Anorexia & malaise
Uterine subinvolution & tenderness
Lochia typically increases in amount & is dark, purulent & foul smelling
- Endometritis Nursing Actions (PP slide 7)
Managing antibiotic therapy
Alleviating anxiety
Providing comfort measures (pain control)
Providing client education (hygiene)
Semi-fowler position to promote uterine drainage & possible spreading of infection
- DVT complications and manifestations
Complications: (CH.19 pp slide 18)
Cardiovascular collapse (fatal)
Manifestations: (CH.19 pp slide 16)
Calf pain/tenderness (Homans sign)
Avoid putting weight on affected leg when walking
Leg may appear visibly pale or white w/diminished pedal pulses
- Nursing considerations for hemorrhoids (CH.12 PP slide 17)
Witch hazel
Sitz bath
- Pulmonary embolism manifestations (CH.19 pp slide 17)
Pleuritic chest pain, abdominal pain
Sudden onset of dyspnea
Must be reported immediately
FOID (fear of impending doom)
Tachypnea & Tachycardia
Hemoptysis (coughing w/blood)
Changes in LOC
- Client education for breast care (CH.12 PP slide 14)
Cleanse w/plain water, use of lanolin cream, rub drop of breast milk into each nipple & allow to dry
Alternate breasts & empty completely
Reposition the baby
If bottle feeding, DON’T express milk, will gradually stop producing
- Client education for perineum & vaginal care (CH.12 pp slide 14)
Teach how to use peri bottle, handle peri pads
Avoid using tampons/douches
Avoid sexual intercourse (use birth control)
Sitz bath (can be delegated to AP)
- Lochia NTK (ch.19 pp slide 5)
Filling every 15 mins could indicate hemorrhage
Dark red first few days
Evidence of clots
Assess color, amounts & odor
Assess fundus first
Look under buttocks for any pooling blood
Should not fill more than a pad in an hr
- Causes of hemorrhage : The Four T’s (CH.12 PP slide 5 & CH.19 pp slide 3)—TONE—
(Early postpartum hemorrhage occurs w/in the 1st 24hrs)
TONE: Uterine Atony (most frequent reason for hemorrhage):
-fundus difficult to palpate: soft, spongy & boggy (assess location- displaced)
-Treat w/fundal massage
-Empty bladder
-vaginal bleeding (lochia) typically is moderate w/heavy clots (look underneath buttocks for pooling)
-Meds, surgery
-Big baby 8lbs, 13oz
- Causes of hemorrhage : The Four T’s (CH.12 PP slide 5 & CH.19 pp slide 3)—TRAUMA—
TRAUMA: Hemorrhage caused by hematoma:
-to any genital structures
-Persistent bright red bleeding w/firm uterus but bleeding may also not be apparent
-Most commonly on one side of the perineum
-deep pelvic hematoma (primary sx is deep pain unrelieved by comfort measures/meds & is accompanied by VS instability, HGB & HCT low
-severe pain
Hemorrhage caused by laceration:
-Fundus is firm on palpation
-bleeding is bright red in color (can be steady or trickle)
- Causes of hemorrhage : The Four T’s (CH.12 PP slide 5 & CH.19 pp slide 3) —TISSUE & THROMBIN—-
TISSUE: retained placental tissue
-Assess for intact placenta
THROMBIN: genetic clotting disorders