VL4 Flashcards
A) kontaktstellung
B) Distanzstellung
A) English
Main clause/subordinate clause: will have been sold
B) German
Main clause: wird… verkauft worden sein (Splitted)
Subordinate clause: … verkauft worden sein wird
Basic grammatical relations:
A) Subject
B) direct object
C) formal grammatical marking on word/phrase
A) English: position before the verb
German: morphologically marked by nominative case
B) English: position following the verb
German: morphologically marked by accusative case
C) English: less explicit
German: more explicit
Basic grammatical relations:
A) syntactic form and semantic function
B) effort
C) verbs
A) English: loose fit (comfortable)
German: tight fit (uncomfortable, restricts you)
B) english: lower encoding effort for speaker, more decoding effort for listener
German: higher encoding effort, lower decoding effort
C) English: loose-fit verbs: „load junk into the car, load the car with junk.“
German: tight fit verbs (complex nominal prefix situation) „Kram ins Auto laden, das Auto mit Kram beladen)
Basic grammatical relations: Passives
He was helped
Sie Halfen ihm
Formal dative accusative contrast
Basic grammatical relations: Passives
She was awarded the prize
* sie wurde den Preis verliehen
Passive from (in) direct direct objects
Basic grammatical relations: Passives
Can she be relied on?
*Kann sie sich auf verlassen warden?
Passives from prepositional objects
Basic grammatical relations: Passives
Sorry, but this bed has been slept in!
*das Bett ist drin geschlafen worden.
Passive from SVA with implication of transitive SVO semantics
Basic grammatical relations: passives
That’s got to be put an end to!
*Das hat ein Ende gesetzt zu werden!
Passives from lexical phrases
Basic grammatical relations
We will never allow (such a thing to happen)
Monotransitive (SVO)
Basic grammatical relations
They allowed (me) (to take notes)
distransitive (Svoo)
Competition between two precisely defined alternative analyses (two options)
Underspecified form receiving appropriated reading in context (fuzzy)
Problems from English and German
- Some German sentences apparently can’t be used in the present tense, unless the present is used in a subordinate clause
Die Inflation hat sich alle 10 Jahre mehr als verdoppelt.
*Die Inflation verdoppelt sich alle 10 Jahre mehr als.
Ich weiß, dass sich die Inflation alle 10 Jahre mehr als verdoppelt.
- Some English adjectives have very similar meanings, but completely different grammar
It is likely that Manchester will win the game. == Manchester is likely to win the game.
Subject to object „raising“
More in English
Take elements out of subordinate and put it in main clause
I want you to come with me.
Wed like you to join us.
Subject to subject raising
Es schein, dass die Studierenden an dem Thema nicht interessiert sind.
It seems that the sudents aren’t interested in this topic.
Object to subject raising
A little bit in German, mainly in English
It’s good to know that.
Es ist gut, das zu wissen.
The students don’t seem to be interested in this topic.
Subject to subject raising
She’s pleasant to talk to.
Object to subject raising
We don’t believe this to be the case.
Subject to object raising