VL3 Flashcards
- Central component of a model of how language works, how words combine into higher units such as phrases, constituents, clauses
- mental representation of speaker‘s mostly subconscious linguistic knowledge
- social processes of language standardisation
Split infinitive
(To) watch him = infinitive
People started to separate it by putting an adverb in there that modifies the verb
English as an analytical language is tolerant in terms of verbal separation = no problem with split infinitives
None of them are happy
Conservative people would say it is false, because none is seen as singular
Used in the sense of uninterested, but incorrect, uninterested: indifferent, unconcerned
Grammar as a network of construction in which everything connects to everything
Hard words
Words that borrow from prestigious languages (fe latin)
Arbitrary words
Economical (thrifty) vs. Economic (anything to do with economy)
Primary mechanisms in English to express grammatical function
- word order
- inflections
- grammatical function words (to, of)
- intonations
Synthetic language (much more inflection than english)
Role in grammatical context
Category: NP „his left leg“
What are its functions?
- complement of preposition in adverbial adjunct: I struck him on his left leg without meaning to
- complement of preposition in NP post-modification: the ulcer on his left leg…
- subject: His left leg caused him pain…
Function: direct object
What categories?
- to-infinitive clause: I want to go home.
- NP: I didn’t see the lamp-post.
- finite clause: I can see that you are tired.
ordered hierarchy of phrases/constituents
Grammatical functions
- substitution (identifies constituents of clauses)
- question (identifies constituents of clauses, with different question words distinguishing functions of constituents)
- movement: usually restricted to individual consituents in English (in the shop window I tried on the red dress vs. * the red in the shop window I tried on dress.)
- passivisation: identifies objects
- cleft-sentence: highlights only one constituent (It was (the red dress) that I tried on in the shop window.)
Identifies constituents of clauses, with different words distinguishing functions of constituents
Identifies objects
Highlights only one constituent
Finite verb
Expresses tense, „limits“ the person
The kids have to return home before 10pm.
Finite main clause
… unless the kids return home before 10pm.
+ conjunction
… unless the kids return home before 10pm.
Finite subordninate clause
I wouldn’t mind (returning home before 10pm).
What do I mind?
Nonfinite subordinate clause
A sinister-looking individual stood in the doorway, (their hands deep in their pockets).
Rare structure, but nethertheless a clause
=verbless clause
Structure of the noun phrase
- determiners
- premodification
- head
- postmodification
The book
Count noun
Singular with the
A/one book
Count noun, singular with one
Two books
Count noun, singular with two
Non-count noun, singular with the
*One information
Non-count noun
Singular with one
*two informations
Non-count noun, singular with two