Vitamins Pt2 Flashcards
What are tonics
- Old school remedys for seniors
- More phycological then anything
Two types of iron
- Heme: meats and is the best
- Non heme: plants,
RNI of iron and best way to reach this
- 15-18 mg for females (15 for teens, 18 for adults)
- best way to get this is through dietary measures if possible
Do we hand out iron tablets (high iron supplements)
- No we don’t
- Try to increase it through dietary measures but if not possible use lab results
- Don’t prescribe them only dispense them
Different salts iron is available in
- Ferrous fumarate: 33% iron (blue)
- Ferrous sulfate: 20% iron (red)
- Ferrous gluconate: 12% iron (green)
What % of dietary iron (heme) is absorbed
- 10-15% is absorbed by the body from diet
- When in an iron deficiency about 20%
Why are some people told to take iron supplements with orange juice
- Vitamin C causes a little better absorption of iron
why do some iron supp say less/ no side effects
A lot of iron supplements have very little iron as only 10-20% is absorbed, also say less side effects but this usually just means less iron
Absorption Interactions with iron (food, vit C, protein/calcium/antacids, coffee/tea)
- Increase: vit C
- Decrease: food (May have less then 50% of what you thought you had, but it is better to have it tolerable with food and not have any side effects), protein/calcium/antacids, coffee/ tea
How long does it take for an iron deficiency to be under control
2-3 weeks, however prescription usually 3 months
Tolerable Upper limit of iron
45 mg
Side effects of iron
- Dyspepsia (heart burn)
- Nausea vomiting
- Constipation
- Dark stools (can be via unabsorbed iron and is harmless in this state)
Do slow release formulations help?
- Iron is best absorbed quickly in the gut
- With a slow release product many of these may not be freed and may not even be available and goes through
- Slow release iron is more expensive and lower absorption
If there is discoloration in the stool what do we do
- Most likely just the iron colour
- We cant tell if it is this or an actual bleed
- Needs to be checked out by a MD
Is iron safe with kids?
- No it is not safe around kids as it can kill
Pediatric toxicity
what vitamin has pediatric toxicity
iron, can cause death in kids
Why do most people take vitamins
- Just in case 75% of people
- No value in reducing mortality, cancer, or almost any type of cardiovascular disease
What are niacin used for
- Was used for cholesterol at the prescription level but now has less value now and has
barely any value at the OTC
Flushing vs no flushing niacin
non flushing niacin means that it is deemed ineffective as the amide makes it useless (niacin/ nicotinic acid have some effect, niacinamide/ nicotinamide have no effect)
Cancer with vitamins
- Antioxidants: When there is a mix of all antioxidants it is way better then just one at a time
- Foods vs supplements: supp not helpful