Vitamins, Minerals, Water Flashcards
what are vitamins
organic compounds that are essential for life, and needed in the diet
what is the function of vitamins?
necessary for all body processes or metabolic functions
What are the two categories of vitamins?
Fat soluable and water soluable
what are the requirements of water soluble vitamins?
needed in frequent doses (perhaps 1 to 3 days) because the body does not store most of them to any extent
How do water-soluble vitamins absorb?
they absorb directly through the intestine into the blood circulation
are water soluble vitamins stored in the body?
Can we get toxic levels of water soluble vitamins?
Not usually–they will just be excreted before they build up that much.
Sources of water-soluble vitamins
Whole grain cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, and fruits
What are the dose requirements of fat-soluble vitamins?
Needed in periodic doses (weekly or monthly)
Fat Soluble Vitamins and what do they absorb?
- Vitamins A,D,E,K
- are absorbed with dietary fat and can be stored in the body.
Where are fat soluble vitamins stored?
in the LIVER!
- Can we get toxic levels of fat soluble vitamins?
Yes–they are not excreted as easily.
Fat-soluble vitamins are found in what kinds of foods?
fatty meats, dairy, nuts, seeds, veggie oils, avocados
Name the water soluble vitamins
- 8 B’s
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- B6
- Folate
- B12
- Pantothenic Acid
- Biotin
- Vitamin C
Name Fat Soluble Vitamins
- VitaminA
- VitaminD
- VitaminE
- VitaminK
What are antioxidants?
Help protect cells of the body from destruction by oxygen.
What vitamins work as antioxidants?
Vitamin C and E and provitamin A
what are free radicals?
chemicals produced by cell division that cause cell damage
What are phytochemicals?
vitamin-like compounds that have been documented to impart health benefits
What are some examples of phytochemicals?
Lycopene, lutein, sterols, flavonoids
Where can you find lycopene
tomatoes, red yellow fruit and vegetables
Who would benefit from vitamin supplements?
Pregnant or lactating women, older people, strict vegetarians, food allergens, people who do not drink enough milk or get enough sun exposure, those on a low-calorie diet, people with a medical condition.
What are minerals?
Inorganic nutrients required in small amounts for good health and developement. Some are needed in trace amounts and so are called trace elements
what is the function of minerals?
necessary for all body processes or metabolic functions
What minerals are considered the major minerals?
Minerals needed in amounts >100mg/day
Sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, sulfur,
calcium, phosphorus