Vitamins/Enzymes/Cofactors Flashcards
Vitamin A Function:
Antioxidant, visual pigments (retinal), differentiation of specialized epithelial cells, prevents squamous metaplasia
Treatment for measles and AML, M3 t(15;17)
Vitamin A Deficiency:
Night blindness, dry xcaly skin, alopecia, corneal degen (keratomalacia), immune suppression
Vitamin A Excess:
Arthralgias, skin changes (scaliness), alopecia, cerebral edema, pseudotumor cerebri, osteoporosis, hepatic abnorm
Teratogenic! cleft palate, cardiac abnormalities
Thiamine Cofactor for:
Cofactor for dehydrogenase rxns: PDH (glycolysis to TCA) Alpha-ketoglutarate DH (TCA) Transketolase (HMP shunt nonoxidative) Branched-chain/alpha-ketoacid DH (Ile, Leu, Val)
Thiamine deficiency:
Malnutrition & alcoholism
impaired glucose breakdown –> ATP depletion **worsened by glucose infusion
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome - damage to MD thal and MB
Dry beriberi: polyneuritis, symmetric mm wasting
Wet beriberi: high-output HF (DCM), edema
Riboflavin Cofactor:
B2 FAD and FMN: cofactors in redox reactions Succinate DH (TCA)
BH4 (tetrahydrobiopterin) is a cofactor in synthesis of:
tyrosine, dopa, serotonin, nitric oxide
Most abundant AA in collagen:
Glycine - collagen is 1/3 glycine
Collagen synth: triple helix
procollagen, via hydrogen and disulfide bonds, in RER, after hydroxylation and glycosylation
Gets exocytosed into ECS
Problems forming helix –> Osteogenesis imperfecta
Steps of collagen synth:
- synthesis
- hydroxylation
- glycosylation
- exocytosis
- proteolytic processing
- cross linking
1-3 in RER of fibroblasts, rest outside fibroblasts in ECS
Proteolytic processing of collagen:
in ECS, Cleave disulfide-rich N & C terminal of procollagen (triple helix) by procollagen peptidases –> tropocollagen
Cross-linking of collagen
in ECS, reinforce staggered tropcollagen molec by covalent lysine-hydroxylisine cross linkage (by Cu-containing lysyl oxidase)
makes Collagen Fibrils!
Problems cross linking –> Ehlers Danlos