Random Questions Flashcards
Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (3):
Trimethoprim (microbes), methotrexate (antimetabolite, rapidly prolif cells), pyrimethamine (parasites)
Which structure contains the nerves, arteries, and vessels supplying the ovary?
Suspensory ligament of ovary (infundibulopelvic ligament) Ligate during oophorectomy!
Infectious Urethritis tx:
Ceftriaxone (gonorrhea) + Doxycycline or macrolide like azithro (chlamydia)
When a study population affects the outcome of the study because they know they are being studied, this is called:
Hawthorne effect
A bias that results from selecting hospitalized patients as the control group is called:
Berkson’s Bias
Researcher’s beliefs in the efficacy of tx that can potentially affect the outcome are called:
Pygmalion effect
Lead-time bias
apparent prolongation of survival after applying a screening test
Ototoxic drugs (4)
loop diuretics, aminoglycosides, salicylates, cisplatin
Renal Cell Carcinoma origin:
epithelium of proximal tubules
Uncal Herniation
Medial Temporal Lobe (downwards - transtentorial/central) Compresses: Ipsi CN III - fixed, dilated pupil, down and out gaze Ipsi PCA - Contra homonymous hemianopsia Contra crus cerebri (CP) - ipsilateral paralysis
Cinculate Herniation
Subfalcine, under falx cerebri Can compress ACA - contralateral lower limb motor/sensory loss
Cerebellar Tonsillar Herniation
into foramen magnum Compress brainstem
Mature Defenses:
SASH Sublimation, Altruism, Suppression, Humor
Depression: Neurotransmitter Changes
VHL associations
AD, capillary hemangiolastomas in retina &/or cerebellum, cavernous hemangiomas, pheochromocytomas, congenital cysts in kidney, liver, pancreas, risk for bilateral renal cell carcinoma cs 3, constit expression of HIF (tf) and activ of angiogenic gfs
Tuberous Sclerosis
AD, kidney, liver, pancreatic cysts, CNS cortical and subependymal hamartomas, cutaneous angiofibromas (adenoma sebaceum), visceral cysts, renal angiomyolipomas, cardiac rhabdomyomas, seizures, mental retardation, subependymal astrocytomas, ungal fibromas, shagreen patches
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia AD inheritance of congenital telangiectasias. Rupture may cause epistaxis, GI bleeding, or hematuria
BH4 is cofactor for syth of:
Tyrosine (phenylalanine hydroxylase), DOPA (tyrosine hydroxylase), Serotonin (from tryptophan), and NO (from arginine)
AR, defic of homogentisic acid oxidase - breaks down homogentisic acid, toxic tyrosine to fumarate degradation byproduct - harmful to bones and cartilage. Dark CT, brown pigmented sclerae, urine turns black on prolonged exposure to air
Which statin is not metabolized by CYP 3A4?
CYP 450 Inducers:
Carbamazepine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Rifampin Griseofulvin
CYP 450 Inhibitors:
Cimetidine Ciprofloxacin Erythromycin Azole antifungals Grapefruit juice Isoniazid Ritonavir (PIs)
Which BLs are not susceptible to penicillinase?
Cephalosporins, carbapenems, and penicillinase-resistant penicillins (nafcillin, methicillin…)
What drugs are effective against Mycoplasma and why can’t you use most others?
Anti-ribosomal agents like macrolides, tetracyclines They lack peptidoglycan cell walls, so cell wall syth inhibitors don’t work. They have a single phospholipid bilayer membrane, containing cholesterol
Meds that can prolong QT:
Some Risky Meds Can Prolong QT: Sotalol Risperidone (APDs) Macrolides Chloroquine Protease Inhibitors (-navir) Quinidine (class 1a; also class 3) Thiazides
Act on nuclear receptors:
Thyroid hormones, retinoids, PPARs, fatty acids
TK Receptors
Insulin, growth factors (epidermal growth factor, TGF-beta) Extracellular ligand binding domain, transmembrane region, and carboxy-terminal domain with TK activity.
Peptide hormones (glucagon, PTH, ACTH, gonadotropins) Hormone binds N terminal, C terminal activates G-protein, which increases second messengers like cAMP by activ. adenylyl cyclase. Also can increase PLC and form IP3 and DAG
Cytoplasmic Receptors:
steroid hormones, migrate to nucleus once activated
DA agonists for PD:
Ergot: bromocriptine, pergolide Nonergot: pramipexole, ropinirole