Biochem Flashcards
Orotic aciduria
- AR Deficiency in UMP synthase needed for the conversion of orotic acid to UMP (for de novo pyrimidine synthesis)
- High orotic acid in urine, megaloblastic anemia, NO HYPERAMMONEMIA
- OTC deficiency (acc. of carbamoyl phosphate) XLR, MC urea cycle d/o
Similar symptoms w/ hyperammonemia, no megaloblastic anemia
Tx: Oral Uridine (converted to UMP and inhibits CPS 2, decr orotic acid)
Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency
- AR Deficiency in adenosine deaminase, enzyme needed to met/convert adenosine into inosine.
- Acc. of ATP and dATP cause feedback inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase –> prevents DNA synthesis.
Affects labile cells (i.e. lymphocytes) AR SCID
Lesch- Nyhan Syndrome
-XLR Deficiency in HGPRT- enzyme needed for purine salvage (hypoxanthine –> IMP and guanine –> GMP).
Results in excess uric acid prod and de novo purine synth.
Symptoms: self-mutilation (lip biting), retardation, aggression, hyperuricemia, gout), dystonia, writhing
Tx: allopurinol or febuxostat
p53 and Cancer
-p53- a TF involved in activating DNA repair enzymes and apoptosis. -Regulates the cell cycle at G1 to S progression. -Regulated by mdm2 (ubiquitin ligase)/DNA dmaage
Rb and Cancer
-Rb is a tumor suppressor protein involved in inhibiting cell cycle TFs (i.e. E2F) and chromatin remodeling. -Regulates the cell cycle at G1 to S progression.
Xeroderma Pigmentosa
* Small child with multiple skin lesions (squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and basal cell carcinoma) and severe sensitivity to sunlight. AR inheritance * Mutation in nucleotide excision repair ; unable to repair UV-induced thymidine dimer formation.
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
* Predisposes to CRC w/o polyp hx (proximal/left colon) and endometrial hyperplasia * Defect in nucleotide mismatch repair. AD inheritance. * Microsatellite instability
Ataxia Telangiectasia
* Triad: * Cerebellur defects (i.e. ataxia) * IgA deficiency (intestinal AB) Increased susceptibilty to leukemia and lymphoma due to chromosome instability Caused by a defect in the ATM gene that codes for double strand break repair enzyme (repairs via Non-homologus end-joining). AR inheritance
Osteogenesis imperfect (Type 1 collagen)
-Deficiency in Type 1 procollagen formation (triple helix formation) - Bone, skin, tendon, and wound repair -Multiple bone fractures, blue sclerae (translucent CT layer over choroid), hearing loss (abnormal middle ear bones), dental imperfections (lack of dentin) -Type 2 collagen OI is embrylogically lethal
-Deficiency in Vit C (absorbic acid); impaired hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues in collagen 1-4 needed for crosslinking and stabilization -malaise/lethargy,spongy/bloody gums, skin petichiae and brusing (thighs),
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Type 3 collagen)
-Deficiency in type 3 collagen (reticulin) synthesis; impaired clevage -Skin, vasculature, uterus, etc. -Hyperextensible skin and joints, easy bruising, berry aneurysms
Alport syndrome (Type 4 collagen)
-Deficiency in Type 4 collagen synthesis (XR) -Basement membrane in kidney, ears, and eyes. -Nephritis, deafness, and blindness
Marfan’s syndrome
-Deficiency in fibrillin gene- the structural component of elastin -long/slender limbs, kyphosis/scoliosis, osteoarthritis, poor eyesight and hearing
Chediak-Higashi syndrome?
-Deficiency in LYST gene; impairs MT polymerization needed for trafficking phagolysosomes to the lysosome and axoplasmic neuronal transport -recurrent bacteiral infections, albinism, peripheral neuropathy
Kartagener’s Syndrome
-Deficiency in the production of dynein- an ATPase that links peripheral MT doublets and allows for cilium sliding and cilia bending -Male and female infertility, recurrent sinusitis (failure of resp. tract outward movement) - Assoc. with situs inversus
GLUT transporters (5)
1 RBCs, blood brain barrier 2 Liver, small intestine. pancreas. High capacity, high Km (low affinity). Liver eats last. - Insulin-mediated glucose uptake 3 Neurons, placenta, testes. Low Km (high affinity) 4 Muscle, fat and heart. -Insulin-mediated glucose uptake 5 Fructose transporter
Insulin vs. Glucagon
**- Glucagon/Epi; kinase **
- (incr cAMP –> incr PKA)
- Glycogen phosphorylase (glycogenolysis)
- Adipose lipase (FFA release)
- Gluconeogenesis
- Insulin; phosphatase
- (Tyr kinase dimeriz. –>inc. protein phosphatase)
- Glycogen synthetase (glyconeogenesis
- Lipid/protein catabolism
- GLUT2 and 4 uptake
Hexokinase vs Glucokinase
- Responsible for phosphorylating **glucose –> G6P **
- Glucokinase is only in the liver and pancreas
- Glucokinase has higher Km (MM constant) and high Vmax
- Glucokinase has lower affinity for glucose
- Glucokinase is not inhibited by G6P
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
* Nuerological defects (less ATP prod.) and lactic acidosis ( increased pyruvate) * Congenital or in alcoholics (B1 deficiency) * Tx: 2 ketogenic amino acids (won’t inc. lactic acid): Leucine and lysine
Pyruvate metabolsim
- Pyruvate –> alanine (ALT). For NH4+ transport following amino acid catabolism.
- Pyruvate –> oxaloacetate (pyruvate carboxylase). For gluconeogenesis or TCA replenishment.
- Pyruvate –> Lactate. For E in RBCs.
- Pyruvate –> Acetyl CoA (pyruvate dehydrogenase). For TCA cycle.
- Regulated by NADH:NAD+ ratio
Ethanol metabolism
- Met. of ethanol in liver produces NADH
- High NADH:NAD+ ratio –> lactic acid production (NAD+ is the LR in ethanol met)
- High lactate
- Met. acidosis with resp. comp. (high anion gap)
- Low glycerol-3-phos
- Low pyruvate levels = no gluconeogenesis
- High FA synthesis (Fatty liver)
Krebs cycle
* Citrate synthetase inhibited by ATP * Citrate: * Inhibts PFK1 (RLE of glycolysis) * Activates Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (RLE of FA synthesis)
Metabolic disorders
- Glycolysis -Fructose met (Liver) - Galactose met (Liver) - Amino acid/Urea met - FA met - Glycogen storage disease - Lysosomal storage disease - Dyslipidemias
Disorders of fructose metabolism (sucrose = glucose + fructose)
- **Essential fructosuria **
- Deficiency in fructokinase (AR)
- Asymptomatic; found in blood and urine
- Fructose intolerance
- Deficiency in Aldolase B (AR)
- Hypoglycemia, jaundice, liver cirrhosis
- Acc. of F1P–>dec. intracell Phos–> inhib.glycogenolysis/gluconeogenesis
Disorders of galactose metabolism (lactose = glucose +galactose)
- Galactokinase deficiency (AR)
- Galactose in blood and urine (from breast milk)
- Infant cataracts; no object tracking or smile
- Aldose reductase act.–> Acc. of galactitol
- Classic Galactosemia
- Deficiency in galactose 1 phos uridyltrans. (AR)
- Failure to thrive, jaundice, infant cataracts
- Aldose reductase act.–> Acc. of galactitol
- Acc. of F1P–>dec. intracell Phos–> inhib.glycogenolysis/gluconeogenesis
Aldose reductase
- Glucose –> sorbitol–> fructose
- Alt. method of trapping glucose ( hyperglycemia )
- Lens and neurons = no sorbitol dehydr. enzyme
- Sorbitol acc. –> osmotic damage (i.e cataracts, retinopathy, and nueropathy)
- Galactose –> galactitol
- Galactitol acc. –> osmotic damage (i.e cataracts)
Essential amino acids (glucogenic aa vs. ketogenic aa)
Glucogenic: converted into pyruvate or TCA intermediates
- Methionine, Valine, Histidine+
- Arg and His only essential during devel
Ketogenic: converted into acetyl CoA –> ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid and B-hydroxybutyric)
-Leucine and Lycine+
Both: Ile, Phe, Thr, Trp
Amino acid catabolism (fasting state; aspartate)
Allows muscle to use AAs as energy
- Muscle protein breakdown.
Muscle transamination:
- Aspartate + a-KG–>OAA+Glutamate (AST)
- Glutamate + Pyruvate–> a-KG + Alanine (ALT)
Alanine transported in blood to liver
Liver transamination:
- Alanine + a-KG –> Pyruvate + Glutamate (ALT)
- Pyruvate –> Glucose (Gluconeogensis)
- Glutamate –> NH4+ (Glutamate dehydrogenase)
Amino acid catabolism (fasting state; glutamate)
- Muscle protein breakdown. 2. Peripheral issue transamination: -Glucogenic aa+a-KG–>Oxaloacetate+ Glutamate (exits) -Glutamate + NH4+ –> Glutamine (Glutamine syn) 3. Liver transamination: -Glutamine –> Glutamate + NH4 (Glutaminase) - Glutamate –> NH4+ (Glutamate dehydrogenase)
* Tremor, slurring of speech, blurred vision * Deficiency in urea cycle enzyme. Results in excess NH4+ –> depletes a-KG –> inhibits TCA * Acquired (liver disease) * Hereditary Tx: Benzoate or phenylbutyrate (bind aa)
Ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency (OTC)
XLR, MC urea cycle disorder. OTCase in mito, necessary for production of citrulline from ornithine and CP
- Results in acc. of cabamoyl phosphate –> inc. orotic acid by UMP synthase (intermediate in pyrimidine syn)
- orotic acidemia (presence in blood and urine), decr. BUN, hyperammonemia (tremor, slurred speech), irritability, poor muscle tone, seizure
* Recieves donated e- from oxidized carriers (NADH, FADH2) * 4 complexes + CoQ + Cytochrome C * Poisons: * ETC inhibitors (CN-, CO) * Uncoupling agents (Aspirin, brown fat)