Vitamins Flashcards
What are the two groups of substances classified as micro-nutrients?
Vitamins and Minerals
Where is energy obtained? Macro-nutrients or Micro-nutrients?
What is the principal function of vitamins?
- Primary function is as co-enzymes for a variety of metabolic reactions.
- Each enzyme is specific to one biochemical reaction.
- Enzymes are catalysts.
- Without vitamins, chemical reactions would precede very slowly.
Are vitamins part of our body tissues?
Vitamins are not part of our body tissues, they are not building blocks but helpers in metabolism.
Why are vitamins essential to human nutrition?
- Vitamins are essential for growth, vitality and health are helpful in digestion, elimination, and resistance to disease.
- Depletion or deficiencies can lead to a variety of both specific nutritional disorders and general health problems.
What can vitamin depletion or deficiencies lead to?
Vitamin depletion or deficiency can lead to a variety of both specific nutritional disorders and general health problems according to what is lacking in the diet.
Explain characteristics of water-soluble vitamins.
- More commonly found in veggie foods.
- Not stored in the body-less chance of them becoming toxic.
- Mostly B vitamins and C
Explain characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins.
- Can be stored in the body tissues
- Vitamins A, D, E, K
- Larger chance of over-consuming.
What is one function of vitamin E?
Used by the body as an antioxidant to help protect against the harmful by products of metabolism and outside pollutants.
What is one function of vitamin A?
Adds cellular protection and resistance to infection.
What is one function of vitamin D?
Aids in absorption of calcium from the gut.
What is one function of vitamin K?
Helps with blood clotting.
What were the 3 criticisms of RDAs?
- Failure to account for individual differences.
- Failure to address disease prevention.
- Failure to address optimal nourishment.
What are the DRIs?
Dietary Reference Intakes
The RDAs are now a subdivision of the DRIs.
What is Adequate Intake (AI)?
- Recommendations are the starting point for the NAS and require the least scientific evidence.
- AIs can be based on experimental approximations and can only tentatively be used in setting nutritional goals.
What is the Estimated Average Requirements (EARs)?
- Dietary guidelines that fall a step between AIs and RDAs.
- Guidelines indicate the amount of a nutrient that would have to be consumed in order for 1/2 of the individuals within any particular group to meet their nutrient requirement.
- Takes more scientific research to establish.
What are Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs)?
- Dietary guidelines that NAS expects to meet the daily nutrient requirements of 97-98% of all individuals within a specific age-gender group and as of 1997, the RDAs are intended primarily for use as a goal for daily intake by individuals.
- Also take into account disease prevention.
What is Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UI)?
The maximum amount of a nutrient that an individual can consume each day without increasing the risk of a health problem.
Can you receive proper nutrition from supplements?
Supplements do not replace a good diet.
What is a synthetic nutritional supplement?
Vitamins made chemically in the laboratory rather than extracted from foods.
-more likely than those from natural sources to contain binders and fillers that might cause allergic reactions or gastrointestinal stress.
What is an organic nutritional supplement?
Foods or supplements that come from pesticide and herbicide-free plant sources or naturally raised animals.
What is an inorganic nutritional supplement?
Vitamins are organic (contain carbon) minerals are inorganic (do not contain carbon).
What is a time-release nutritional supplement?
Micro-pellets that are digested and absorbed into the body more slowly (time-released).
What is the objective of orthomolecular medicine?
To achieve a balanced metabolism by having the appropriate nutrient in the appropriate location at the appropriate time?
What are the circumstances where vitamin supplementation may be beneficial to health?
- To ensure we don’t get ill.
- Stress
- Illness (recovering and rebuilding from).
- After injury or before or after surgery.
- People who are dieting or on special diets.
- During all life transitions.
How is sugar a nutrient-depleting substance?
- Sugar is devoid of its own nutrients.
- Those who have consumed a lot of sugary foods or crave and eat refined sugar products need additional supplements for 2 reasons:
1. May replace any depleted nutrients
2. May help to balance out fluctuating blood sugar and lower food cravings (especially for sweets).
What could happen if we focus on a particular nutrient?
If we take higher amounts of it, we may become deficient in other nutrients that have a similar process of absorption into the blood.
What are the fat-soluble vitamins?
Vitamin A (retinol and beta-carotene) Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin F (the essential fatty acids) Vitamin K
What is meant by provitamin?
These carotenoids can be converted into retinol.
What are the best studied provitamins?
Alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin
Where is vitamin A primarily absorbed?
In the small intestine.
What are the sources of the two types of vitamin A?
Retinol is found in the animal version of vitamin A
Beta-carotene is found in plant versions of vitamin A.
How is beta-carotene intake helpful in lowering lung cancer risks?
-Likely because of its effects on epithelial cell membranes.
Vitamin A helps maintain the structural integrity of cells and the healthy functioning of mucous linings.
-Supports proper cell differentiation.
Explain why a number of toxicity symptoms and difficulties may occur when we take too much vitamin A.
Toxicity can occur because it is stored in the body and not readily excreted.
What are the main functions of vitamin A?
- Eyesight
- Growth and tissue healing
- Healthy skin
- Anti-oxidation
- Lowering cancer risk and supporting immune function.
- Regulating genetic process.
What are the uses of vitamin A?
- Eye problems
- Skin problems
- Cancer prevention
- Pollution protection
What is the first sign of vitamin A deficiency?
Night blindness
What are some other vitamin A deficiency symptoms?
- Decreased skin tone.
- Rapid aging of skin.
- Blemishes, acne boils.
- Fatigue or insomnia
- Decrease in smell
- Loss in appetite.
Which vitamin is known as the “sunshine” vitamin and why?
Vitamin D is know as the sunshine vitamin because it is actually manufactured in the human skin when in contact with the ultraviolet light in the sun’s rays.
Can large amount of vitamin D be toxic?
Yes when taken in large amounts or with excessive sun exposure.