Vit A Flashcards
-Retinoids (retinal, retinol, retionic acid)
- Found in animals product
-Must be converted to retinoids, found in plants
Retinol- alcohol
Retinoid acid- derived form retinal
Retinyl ester- esterified w/FA
released from protein/fa
*protein=stomach, pepsin
*FA= SI, pancreatic enzyme
incorporated into micelles
in proximal SI *70-90% of retinoids *20%-50% of cartenoids Storage in liver RBC transport in serum
Night vision
mucus production in eyes
generates pigments for the retina
cell division
growth-retoic acid
*embryo, genes, bone, lungs, treachea, skin and cornea
healthy skin (topical meds= birth defects)
regulate immune system = t-lymphocytes phagocytes
Function in rods and cones
Cones= bright light, color vision Rods= dim light, black and white * B-carotene -prevention of CVD -cancer prevention -age degeneration -cataracts
900 mcg
700 mcg
RAE- 1 mg of retinol= 12 mg B-carotene
UL=3,000 mcg/d (10,000/mcg)= 24 mg carotenoid
- night blindness - impaired production of rhodopsin
- xerophthalmia-dryness of cornea, reversible
- corneal ulceration/keratomalcia/blind soft cornea, irriversible
- hyperkeratosis-keratinized cells replace epithelial cells , hair follicles plugged, bumpy, dry skin
- impaired immunity- decreased resistance to infections
Population at risk
young children urban poor older adults alcoholism liver disease fat malaborption
none from carotenoids
- preformed A=inevitable-storage cont. until toxicity develops
1) acute- short term, symptoms disappear, when intake steps: GI, headache, blurred vision, poor muscle coordination
2) chronic- long term, possibly permanent: bone muscle pain, skin disorder, no apetite, headache, fatigue, dry skin, increased liver size, vomiting
3) tertongenic effect-3x RDA, physical defect on fetus
clinical- measure of dark adaptation -rhodopsin regeneration rate -CIC -plasma retinol conc. change in plasma conc. before and after 5 hrs of oral med of RE in oils