Visual Plasticity Flashcards
Lazy eye is a…?
developmental issue
LGN input to…?
the primary visual cortex and OD columns
OD column development
- before birth, the retinae produce waves of synchronous activity that drive the cortical cells well
- after birth visual input drives co-ordinated retinal activity
- the afferents from each eye fire together independently of the other eye
- LTP!!!
- Receptors: NMDA receptors with Ca2+ and Mg
- synapses are strengthened or weakened depending on the relative amount of input from each eye
- The OD columns will segregate in response to this activity
Why is developmental plasticity important?
to treat amblyopia
what is amblyopia
- Amblyopia - lazy eye
- ptosis or cataract
OD columns and monocular deprivation in monkeys
- if one eye is compromised in early life then the brain makes very few connections with it ⇒ amblyopia
- an eye that may be functional yet has very poor acuity
- acuity even with optional correction
OD columns and monocular deprivation
- Cortical cells strongly and consistently driven by this eye (Left)
- cortical cells are not driven by this eye (right)
- Normally - afferents fire together in response to visual stimuli
- eye is compromised at birth - unconditional spontaneous activity only
- good eye - has access to abundant cortical machinery
- bad eye - little access to the cortical machinery hence image cannot be processed in detail
Can OD column shift be reversed? provide evidence
- Patching the good eye - forcing to actively work with bad eye
- might shift OD columns around if done EARLY enough but with the danger of compromising vision in the good eye and reducing stereoscopic vision
- 2 lines snellan chart improvement has been shown with on average ~ 170hrs total @ 4yo and >200hrs @ 6yo
OD can be tested physiologically by?
-recording from cells in layer 4C the input layer
-after early deprivation in monkey the great majority of ells are driven by non-deprived eye
-later deprivation doesn’t case a shift in dominance
Developmental plasticity is confined to a ‘critical period’
1w to 12w
the critical period for MD
first 10w of life
OD pattern becomes fixed at this point
What is the best option?
-effects of MD develop rapidly but not simply reversible
all these may develop AY
- ptosis
- cataract
- strabismus
- anisometropia
can AY occur without a shift in OD columns?
-strabismic AY = lost bad eye late in life due to lost territory
-anisometropic AY = lost good eye late in life not due to lost territory
What is the mechanisms for non-MD AY?
OD cells recorder in PVC area V1