From neurons to psychophysics Flashcards
Sensory transduction converts physical energy into electrical signals
- photosensitive
- mechanosensory
- chemosensory
Explain how receptor potentials can code stimulus intensity by gradations in amplitude
- Receptor potentials are examples of graded potentials
- Receptor potentials in vertebrate photoreceptors are hyperpolarising
- more commonly, receptor potentials are depolarising
Further explain receptor potentials
- Receptor potentials (RP) in invertebrate photoreceptors are depolarising
- RP are generated by selective opening of ion channels causing an ionic current to flow across the membrane
- Exceptions: vertebrate photoreceptors RPs are generated by selectively closing of ion channels
Describe sensory coding of stimulus intensity
- Receptor potentials graded with light intensity
- V is plotted as difference from rest, which is here set to zero
- Amplitude v intensity
What is RP amplitude limited by??
-by the reversal potential of the ionic current that generates it (near 0mV)
Sensitivity or range?
- Large dynamic range comes at cost of less sensitivity to intensity differences
- Fractionation: different receptors with different ranges (or adaptation of same receptor)
Psychophysics - How do you measure sensation and perception?
- First step is to separately conceptualise physical stimulus and associated sensation (Advances in physical science made this possible)
- We can measure the physical stimuli - power per unit area
- Can we measure the associated sensations?
- Thresholds = sensitivity
- scaling?
Physical and subjective intensity
- Physical intensity: power per unit area
- SI unit: watts per square metre
- Many physical stimuli can be expressed as such (light and sound intensity, etc.)
- in practice other measures may be more convenient
What is meant by two alternative forced choice (2AFC)? How is this method thought to mitigate response bias?
Y or N
Respondent learns what is going on
Explain how the amplitude of graded potentials is determined and limited by ionic equilibrium potentials, and the implications of this for sensory neural signalling.
Thresholds vs Scaling
- Thresholds: measuring limits of sensitivity
- Scaling: ordering stimuli along a perceptual dimension
weakest stimulus intensity
smallest difference between two stimuli that an observer can discriminate/difference limen or just-noticeable difference (JND)
What is the smallest change in stimulus intensity that leads to a change in sensation (just-noticeable difference, jnd)?
Weber’s law: jnd is a proportional, not an absolute amount
If i is stimulus intensity and Ai is jnd,
change in і/i= C)
where C is a constant
problem? response bias
Response bias
- near threshold, stimulus is difficult to detect
- Yes/No - observers may be more or less conservative in deciding
- 2AFC can get round this
Pyschophysical correlation
Identify specific patterns of neural activity and correlate with specific sensations and perceptions
Microelectrode recordings from cerebral cortex
-Could be regarded as a ‘gold standard’ in so far as individual action potentials can be resolved and recorded
-Analogous to microneurography in peripheral nerve
-Occasionally possible in humans, when microelectrodes may be implanted for clinical reasons prior to neurosurgery
-Over the past few decades numerous reports available of single or multi-neuron recordings from conscious human brain
-Textbook systems-neuroscience content is dependent to a great extent on microelectrode recording of neurons in non-human brains