Visual Pathways Flashcards
What are the parts of light reflex arch?
Optic nerve -> Superior Colliculi (Pretectum n.) -> 3 parasympathetic n. (Edinger - Westphal n.) -> ciliary ganglion -> m. sphincter pupillary
What are the components of Accommodation - Convergence Reaction?
- Accommodation (PANS -> ciliary m. contraction -> suspensory ligaments relaxation -> lens becomes rounder)
- Convergence (contraction of both medial rectus m.)
- Miosis (PANS -> pupillary sphincter m.)
What is Argyll Robertson pupil (pupillary
light-near dissociation)?
• No direct or consensual light reflex;
accommodation-convergence intact
• Seen in neurosyphilis, diabetes
What is Relative afferent (Marcus Gunn) pupil?
• Lesion of afferent limb of pupillary light reflex;
diagnosis made with swinging flashlight
• Shine light in Marcus Gunn pupil → pupils do
not constrict fully
• Shine light in normal eye → pupils constrict fully
• Shine light immediately again in affected eye
→ apparent dilation of both pupils because
stimulus carried through that CN II is weaker;
seen in multiple sclerosis
What is Adie pupil?
Dilated pupil that reacts sluggishly to light, but
better to accommodation; often seen in women
and often associated with loss of knee jerks.
Ciliary ganglion lesion
Which intrinsic eye muscles do you know? What receptors do the have?
Pupillary sphincter ms. (iris) M3 receptor (PANS)
Radial dilator ms. (iris) α receptor (SANS)
Ciliary ms. M3 receptor (PANS) (Contraction→accommodation for near vision
Relaxation → focus for far vision)
Ciliary body epithelium β receptor (SANS) (Secretion of
aqueous humor)
How does visual pathway come?
1 and 2 neurons are in Retina -> optic nerve -> optic chiasm (medial fibers crosses, lateral - don’t) -> optic tract -> LGB (3 neuron) -> temporal (Meyer’s loop, lower retina) and parietel (upper retina) fibers -> lingual and cuneus gyrus respectively
What is Rule of “3L”?
Lower retina in Lateral fibers forming Meyer’s Loop
What divides lingual and cuneus gyrus?
Calcarine sulcus
What is Parinaud syndrome?
Pineal gland tumor -> superior colliculi lesion -> vertical gaze palsy
What is the pathogenesis of Uncal herniation?
High ICP -> uncal herniation (temporal lobe) -> Oculomotor nerve lesion