Vision Loss And Blindness Flashcards
What is the major blood supply to the eye
Ophthalmic artery branches
What are the signs/symptoms of a CRAO
Sudden profound vision loss
pale oedematous retina with thread like retinal vessels
What is a key feature of a CRAO
Cherry red spot- normal fovea easily seen against pale background
What are the causes of CRAO
Carotid artery disease
Emboli from the heart (unusual)
Giant cell arteritis
CRAO is a form of stroke
What are the symptoms of amaurosis fugax (transient CRAO)
Transient painless Vision loss (like a curtain coming down)
Lasts 5 mins with full recovery
Usually nothing abnormal on examination
Refer to stroke unit
What are the symptoms/signs of CRVO?
Sudden vision loss
Retinal haemorrhages
Dilated tortuous veins
Disc and macular swellings
What is ischaemic optic neuropathy
Occlusion of the optic nerve head
Posterior ciliary arteries become occluded
What are the symptoms of GCA
Headache/scalp tenderness
Enlarged temporal arteries
How is GCA treated
What is vitreous haemorrhage?
Bleeding from abnormal new blood vessels which have grown due to ischaemia eg in diabetes
bleeding from normal retinal vessels eg bridging a retinal tear
What kind of vision loss does a vitreous haemorrhage cause?
Sudden Vision loss
What are the symptoms of a retinal detachment?
Painless loss of vision/visual field defect
Sudden onset of flashes/floaters
What are the signs of retinal detachment
May see tear on ophthalmoscopy
What does a detachment at the bottom of the eye mean?
Loss of vision at the top
What is ARMD?
Commonest cause of blindness in the UK
unknown cause