Vision (Central processing) Flashcards
What is the structure and function of the optic chiasm?
- Partial decussation of the optic nerves occur at the optic chiasm.
Fibres on the nasal side carrying information regarding the temporal retinae cross over.
Function: Partial decussation at the optic chiasm ensures that information regarding the same side of the visual field is carried by the same (contralateral) optic tract.
What are the types of visual defects associated with lesions in the pre-LGN visual pathway?
- Lesion in optic nerve: Unilateral anopia (blindness in one eye)
- Lesion in optic chiasm: Heteronymous (bi-temporal) hemianopia (loss of temporal aspects of visual field - i.e. tunnel vision)
- Lesion in optic tract: Homonymous hemianopia (loss of one half of visual field)
What are the parts of the brain into which ganglion cell axons project?
- Lateral geniculate nucleus (90%) - Visual processing
- Others (10%):
1. Pretectum - Pupillary reflex
2. Suprachiasmatic nucleus - Circadian rhythms
3. Superior colliculus - Eye motor control
Why is the organisation of information throughout the whole of the visual pathway considered retinotopic?
Spatial information from the retina is preserved, so that fibres carrying information from adjacent parts of the retina remain adjacent to each other.
What is the structure of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)?
- The LGN contains 6 layers, each receiving inputs from distinct (ipsi-[I]/contralateral[C]) retinae.
- The arrangement of inputs from different sides is:
I. C
V. I
- Layers I, II receive inputs from magnocellular ganglion cells.
- Layers III-VI receive inputs from parvocellular ganglion cells.
- Koniocellular cells (specialised ganglion cells carrying information from blue cones) project into thin layer between the main layers.
What is the function of the LGN?
- Initially, it was believed that the LGN was mainly relay station (since 1:1 association between ganglion cells and geniculate cells).
- The LGN may be involved in feedback mechanisms from the cortex and act as a ‘gating’ mechanism for inputs into the primary visual cortex.
- E.g. Responsible for reduced input into V1 from flashes during sleep.
What evidence is there against idea that LGN is simply relay station?
- The idea of ‘relay’ stations is physiologically wasteful.
- Only 10% of LGN input is from the retina, with 90% from elsewhere, suggesting its involvement in many functions.
- 30% of input from cortical cells. This input may be responsible for feedback gating of visual information to V1.
What are the differences between the image received by primary visual cortex (V1) compared to real image?
- Image is inverted, indicating that spatial configuration of retina is conserved, not image itself.
- Cortical amplification, meaning that the fovea is disproportionally represented compared to the rest of the retina (with 50% of V1 dedicated to processing information from central 10% of retina in foveal region).
What is the location of the primary visual cortex?
- Located in the occipital lobe, around the calcarine sulcus (striate cortex).
- Brodmann’s area 17
What are the types of cells in V1?
- Pyramidal cells: Main cell responsible for outputs from V1, either to other parts of cortex or back to thalamus and LGN.
- Stellate cells: Interneurones that form part of connection between geniculate cells and pyramidal cells.
What is the structure of V1?
- V1 is ~2mm thick and like other parts of the neocortex, contains 6 layers.
- Magnocellular inputs are received in layer 4Cα.
- Parvocellular inputs are received in layer 4Cβ.
- Pyramidal cells projecting from V1 into other parts of the cortex are located in layers 2 & 3.
- Pyramidal cells projecting into deep structures (e.g. superior colliculus) are located in layer 5.
- Pyramidal cells projecting back into thalamus are located in layer 6.
What are the classes of cells in V1?
- Simple cells
- Complex cells
What are the properties of simple cells?
- Responds to bars of light and edges of a specific orientation and within a defined position.
- Mainly found in input areas (e.g. layer 4, even 6).
What are the properties of complex cells?
- Respond to bars and edges of specific orientation irresective of position.
- Maximum response produced for moving stimuli.
- Found mainly in layers 2,3 and 5.
- Makes up ~75% of cells in V1.
What are end-stopping cells?
Simple or complex cells that show additional property of only responding to stimuli up to certain length, and producing sub-maximal response when length is exceeded (even if orientation is correct).
What is the overall structure of V1?
- Cells in V1 can be divided into perpendicular columns, with each column containing cells that have preference for same orientation. These are called orientation columns.
- Adjacent columns have slightly different orientation preferences.
- Over distance of ~1 mm along V1, all orientations are represented.
- Strips of cells also respond differently to inputs from different eyes, with one eye usually being dominant (ocular dominance), although this only occurs in 4c, while cells in other layers respond more evenly to both eyes.
- There are “blobs” scattered throughout V1 containing cells responsible for colour analysis. Surrounding cells called interblob.
- Within area of 1 mm by 2 mm of V1, cells sensitive to all possible orientations and from both eyes can be found, along with blob for colour analysis. This is called a hypercolumn.
- Within a hypercolumn, every aspect of a small part of the retinal image can be analysed.
What is the mechanism of disparity detection?
- When eyes are focused onto objects in one plane of fixation, all objects in that plane map onto areas of retina at same distance and direction from fovea. These are called corresponding points and a lot of cortical neurones receive inputs from these.
- Objects not in plane of focus maps onto parts of the retina not at the same distance/direction from fovea. These are called disparate images. Some neurones are specialised at detecting disparate images (disparity detectors) in order to distinguish between objects in and out of plane of fixation.
- Important for depth perception and stereopsis (3D vision).
What enzyme is stained within blobs?
Cytochrome oxidase
What clinical problems may be associated with defects in ocular dominance/orientation tuning?
Amblyopia (lazy eye): One eye fails to achieve full acuity despite optical corrections, indicating neural problem. Can be caused by 2 childhood defects:
- Monocular deprivation during childhood
- Strabismus (misalignment of 2 eyes)
What are the higher visual pathways beyond V1?
- Ventral (what) pathway
- Dorsal (where) pathway
What is the structure of the ventral pathways?
- Parvocellular neurone → Blob (V1) → Thin stripe (V2) → V4: Colour
- Parvo-/magnocellular neurone → Interblob (V1) → Interstripe (V2) → V4: Edge/fine form analysis
- V4 → Infratemporal cortex: Faces/hands
What are disorders associated with lesions in ventral pathway?
- Achromatopsia (V4): Cortical colour blindness
- Prosopagnosia (Infratemporal cortex): Inability to recognise faces
What is the structure of the dorsal (where) pathway?
Magnocellular neurone → 4B-4Cα (V1) → Thick stripe (V2) → V5 + V5a → Posterior parietal cortex: Movement and binocular depth cues.
What is the function of end-stopping cells?
Possibly to detect curved edges
What may be the functions of all types of cells in the hypercolumn?
- Simple cell: Stationary straight edges & orientation
- Simple cell (end-stopping): Stationary curved edges & orientation
- Complex cell: Moving straight edges, orientation & direction
- Complex cell (end-stopping): Moving curved edges, orientation & direction
- Blob cells: Colour
- Disparity detecting cells: Stereopsis
What disorders are associated with lesion in the dorsal “where” pathway?
Akinetopsia (V5): Inability to see movement