Vision Flashcards
List the accessory structures of the eye
• eyebrow • eyelids • eyelashes lacrimal curuncle • lacrimal apparatus • extrinsic eyeball muscles
Describe the eyelids
• epidermis, dermis, fibres of orbiculares oculi muscles (CNVII), tarsal plate (connective tissue), tarsal glands, conjunctiva
• upper lid contains levator palpabrae superioris and tarsal muscles (sympathetic)
What is the conjunctiva?
Mucous membrane of non-keratinized stratified columnar epithelium and goblet cells
• palpabral conjunctiva -inner lining of eyelid
• bulbar conjunctiva -surface of eyeball
-over sclera is vascular
-joins cornea at the limbus
What are the contents of the lacrimal fluid?
- water
- salts
- mucus
- lysozyme (bacteriocydal enzyme)
- immunoglobulins
- enzymes (eg. peroxidase)
- lactoferrin
Describe the path of the flow of tears
Lacrimal gland -> excretory lacrimal ducts
- > superior or inferior lacrimal canal
- > lacrimal sac
- > nasolacrimal duct
- > nasal cavity
List the layers of the eyeball
1- Fibrous tunic -outer layer
2- Vascular tunic or uvea -middle layer
3- Retina -inner layer
Describe the fibrous tunic layer of the eye
• whites of the eye
• collagen fibres
• transparent
• 3 parts: stratified squamous epithelium, connective tissue + collagen, simple squamous epithelium
• 2/3 of refractive power of eye
Describe the vascular tunic layer of the eye
- Choroid: vascular, give nutrients to retina, melanocytes
- Ciliary body: ciliary processes and ciliary muscle
- Iris: control pupil size
Describe the retina layer of the eye
• lines posterior 3/4 of eyeball
• 2 layers:
-pigmented (melanin)
-neural (photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells)
Compare the innervation for pupil dilation vs pupil construction?
Dilation: superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic chain
Constriction: CNIII parasympathetic
What is the position of the iris muscles during: pupil constriction, normal, pupil dilation?
• circular iris muscles constrict
• radial muscles of iris relaxed
Normal: both muscles relaxed
• circular iris muscles relax
• radial muscles of iris constrict
What is the role of the ciliary muscle in accommodation?
- ciliary muscle attached to lens by ligaments
- ciliary muscle relaxed -> ligaments pull lens flat -> goof for distant vision
- ciliary muscle contract -> ligaments loose -> lens rounded -> good for near vision
- muscle innervated by CNIII-parasympathetic
- center of the eye back
* mostly cones there
Rods vs cones
• dim light
• no colours
• bright light
• colour vision
• 3 types: red, green, blue
Describe the parts of rods and cones
1- Outer segment -rhodopsin (photopigment) transact light into receptor potential
2- Inner segment -golgi complex and mitochondria
3- nucleus
4- synaptic terminal
long wavelength
medium wavelength
short wavelength
What is the pathway of vision?
Light -> eye
- > optic nerve -> chiasm
- > optic tract
- > Lateral geniculate body (thalamus)
- > visual cortex (occipital lobe)
Binocular zone vs mononucula zone
- where left and right visual fields overlap
* portion of visual field of only one eye
What is the consequence of a lesion of the optic nerve?
complete loss of vision in homolateral eye
What is the consequence of a lesion of the optic chiasm?
- loss peripheral vision
* bitemporal hemianopia
what is the consequence of a lesion of the optic tract?
lost contralateral visual field in both eyes