Viruses Flashcards
What’s the difference between viruses and bacteria?
Bacteria are single-cells that can survive in our outside the body and viruses can only survive in the host cells that they infect
proteincaceous infectious particle that contain self-replicating protein with no detectable nucleic acids
Examples of latent viral infections
cold cores (herpes virus), shingles
non-enveloped polyhedral virus
enveloped helical virus
helical virus
ebola virus
Persistent viral infections. Examples
occurs gradually over a long period; fatal. Examples: measles ivurs, HIV
Which type of viruses use reverse transcriptase?
Steps for viral multiplication
1) attaches itself to cell membrance
2) enters by fusion or endocytosis
3) replicates and transcibes production of nucleic acid and proteins
4) nucleic acid and capside proteins assemble
5) release/exit by budding or rupture
Viral Replication Cycle
1) entry to uncoatin
2) replication
3) transcribes and manufacture of capside proteins
4) self assemble new virus particles and exit from cell
what is a latent virus?
can remain in the asymptomatic host and not actually produce disease for a long period, often many years
Acute viral infection and example
has symptoms whcih develop rapidly but last for a short time. EX: common cold
oncogenic virus
virus that cause or give rise to tumors
Why are viruses considered to be nonliving
Viruses can’t reproduce
Characteristics of picornavirus
single stranded RNA, + strand, non-enveloped
Characteristics of retrovirus
reverse single-stranded RNA
Characteristics of togavirus
positive single strand of RNA; transmitted by mosquitos
Characteristics of a herpesvirus
double-stranded DNA
How are viruses named?
family names end in -viridae, Genus names end in -virus, Common names are used for species and subspecies are designated by number