Chapter 21 Microbial Diseases of the Skin and Eyes Flashcards
List all of the normal microbiota found in the skin
- gram-positive bacteria
- Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococci, Micrococci, Corynebacterium and Propionibacteria - Actinobacteria (51.8%), Firmicutes (24.4%), Proteobacteria (16.5%), and Bacteroidetes (6.3%).
- Propionibacterium acnes- acne-causing bacteria
how microbiota of the skin can invade the body
an open wound: bacteria can enter the body and cause disease
Chicken Pox: Symptoms/causative agents
- small, pus-filled lesions for 3-4 days located in the face, beck, back, chest and shoulders
- rupture and scab then heal
- caused by varicella zoster which remains latent in the body in nerve cells near the spine and can cause shingles later on in life
Measles: Symptoms/causative agents
- transmitted via the upper respiratory tract
- caused by the rubella virus
- symptoms resemble a common cold and a rash appears on face trunk and extremities
- incubation 10-12 days but is almost eliminated in the U.S due to MMR vaccin
Acne: Symptoms/causative agents
- caused by cells shedding higher than normal and mixes with sebum to clog pores and hair follicle
- inflammatory acne caused by Propionibacterium acnes
Herpes Virus: Symptoms/Causative Agents
- caused by herpes simplex virus
- HSV1 is transmitted orally or via respiratory tract and causes cold sores
- HSV2 is transmitted sexually and causes genital herpes
Roseola: Symptoms/ Causative Agents
- mild common childhood disease
- high fever followed by a rash over body
Shingles: Symptoms/Causative agents
- caused by the varicella-zoster virus
- after primary infection, the virus enters ganglion nerve cells in the spine and can be triggered by stress or lower immunity
Buruli ulcer: Symptoms/Causative agents
- Mycobacterium
- massive and damaging ulcer
Keratitis: Symptoms/causative agents
- Acanthamoeba or herpes simplex virus 1
- inflammation of cornea
- symptoms include red eyes, pain, irritation, vision changes, eye discharge
- viral but is most likely to be treated using antivirals
Otitis externa: Symptoms/causative agents
- pseudomonas
- swimmers ear
What can be done to prevent acne
- topical agents with benzoyl peroxide
- antibiotics
- isotretinoin for serious cases of nodular cystic acne
- cutting out fatty foods DOES NOT treat acne
what causes warts?
viral infection - paillomavirus
Koplik spots are an indicator of what disease?
What diseases are caused by Candida albicans?
- thruth and vaginitis
What diases causes the most blindness in the world?
what causes ringworm?
- mycosis (fungal disease)
- microsporum and epidermophyton
Why are newborn babies treated with an antibiotic at bith?
It’s a routine precaution for opthalmia neonatorum which is transmitted to newborns when the mother has gonorrhea
what are some possible complications of chicken pox?
- can lead to shingles because the varicella zoster can remain latent in the body’s ganglion nerve cells
- scratching of the skin can lead to other microbiota entering the skin via open wounds
Bacteria normally colonize the skin. Which region of skin hosts the largest bacterial population?
Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for what diseases? List them.
- Minor Skin infections: boils, carbuncles, impetigo
- Life-threatening diseases: pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis
What are the possible causative agents of conjunctivitis?
Haemophilus influenzae,
Chlamydia trachomatis
Are there any similarities between German measles and measles?
- both transmitted by the respiratory route
- both can be prevented by vaccination
Herpes simplex 1 causes numerous diseases. List them.
cold sores
What causes scabies? How is it transmitted?
caused by a mite that burrows under the skin transmit by fomites
What causes the Buruli ulcers?
- caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans which can enter through the skin through an open wound or insect bite
- acid-fast bacteria.
Whcih bacteria causes acne?
Propionibacterium acnes