Virology: Intro & DNA Viruses Flashcards
exchange of genes btwn 2 chromosomes
crossing over
viruses w/ segmented genomes exchange segments
high frequency
*influenza pandemics*
1 of 2 viruses the infect the cell has a mutation
nonfunctional protein
*nonmutated virus complements the mutated one*
simultaneous infections of a cell w/ 2 viruses
genome of virus A coated w/ surface proteins of B
determines tropism of hybrid virus
phenotypic mixing
induce humoral & cell-mediated immunity
reverted to virulence rarely
live attenuated vaccines
which viruses use live-attenuated vaccines
- Smallpox
- Yellow fever
- Chickenpox
- Sabin polio virus
- MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
- Influenza
which viruses use killed vaccines
- Rabies
- Influenza
- Salk Polio
which viruses use recombinant vaccines
- HPV (6, 11, 16, 18)
all DNA viruses except ___________ are dsDNA
all DNA viruses are linear except……
- papillomavirus
- polyomavirus
- hepadnavirus
all RNA viruses except _______ are ssRNA
positive stranded RNA viruses
- retrovirus
- togavirus
- flavivirus
- coronavirus
- hepevirus
- calicivirus
- picornavirus
purified nucleic acids of most __DNA & __strand __RNA viruses are infectious
(+) strand
all DNA viruses replicate in the ______
*except poxvirus*
all RNA viruses replicate in the ______
*except influenza virus & retroviruses*
Naked (nonenveloped) viruses
- Papillomavirus
- Adenovirus
- Parvovirus
- Polyomavirus
- Calicivirus
- Picornavirus
- Reovirus
- Hepevirus
DNA virus characteristics
HHAPPPPy viruses
- Hepadnavirus
- Herpesvirus
- Adenovirs
- Poxvirus
- Parvovirus
- Papillomavirus
- Polyomavirus
all DNA viruses are icosahedral except ______
pox (complex)
acute or chronic hepatitis
Hepadnavirus (HBV)
clinical diseases of Adenovirus
- Febrile pharyngitis (sore throat)
- Acute hemorrhagic cystitis
- Pneumonia
- Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”)
clinical presentation of Parvovirus (B19)
- Aplastic crisis in sickle cell disease
- “slapped cheeks” rash in children
- Erythema infectiosum (5th disease)
- RBC destruction in fetus
- Hydrops fetalis, death
- Pure RBC aplasia
- RA-like symptoms in adults
clinical presentation of Papillomavirus (HPV)
- warts (1, 2, 6, 11)
- cervical cancer (16, 18)
clinical presentation of Polyomavirus (JC virus)
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV
clinical presentation of Polyomavirus (BK virus)
transplant patients
targets kidney