Virgil Book II (Selected) Flashcards
comitor, -ārī
to accompany
caterva, -ae (f)
ardeō, -ēre, arsī
to be ablaze, ardent
occultō, -āre, -āvī
to hide
lignum, ī (n)
mūrus, ī (m)
lateō, -ēre, latuī
to hide
fātur, fārī, fātum esse
to speak
validus, -a, -um
alvus, ī (f)
contorqueō, -ēre, contorsī, contortum esse
to hurl; to twist
uterus, ī (m)
uterus, womb
recutiō, -ere, -, recussum esse
to cause to rebound/reverberate
cavus, -a, -um
caverna, -ae (f)
cavity, cave, cavern
laevus, -a, -um
foolish; unfortunate; left (hand)
impellō, -ere, impulī, impulsum esse
to drive, push; to strike
ferrum, ī (n)
foedō, -āre
to defile; to devastate
latēbra, -ae (f)
hiding place
sors, -tis (f)
lot, destiny, fortune
sorte ductus, -a, -um
led by lot, fate
arx, arcis (f)
sollemnis, -is, -e
solemn; customary; annual
mactō, -āre, mactāvī
to slaughter; to sacrifice
āra, -ae (f)
referrō, referre, rettulī, relātum esse
to narrate, relate, say; to bring back
horrēscō, -ere, horruī
to shudder
orbis, -is (m)
a circle, ring, something of circular shape
anguis, -is (f)
incumbō, -ere, incubuī, incubitum esse
to lean upon, recline upon + dat.
pelagus, ī (n)
open sea, ocean
tendō, -ere, tetendī, tentum/tensum esse
to tend to; to stretch
flūctus, -ūs (m)
wave, billow, usually refers to the sea
arrectus, -a, -um
upright, erect
iuba, -ae (f)
crest of serpent; mane (e.g., of lion)
unda, -ae (f)
pontus, ī (m)
pōne (adv.)
after, behind, back
secō, -āre, secuī, secātum esse
to cut
sinuō, -āre, sinuāvī
to bend, wind, curve; to swell out in curves
sonitus, sonitūs (m)
noise, sound
spūmō, -āre, spūmāvī
to foam
salum, ī (n)
arvum, ī (n)
cultivated land
sībilus, -a, -um
lambō, -ere, lambī
to lick
diffugiō, -ere, diffūgī
to flee in different directions, disperse
exsanguis, -is, -e
pale, deprived of blood
agmen, -inis (n)
train; collected group in motion
amplector, -ārī amplexum esse
to wind around; to embrace, hug
morsus, ūs (m)
a bite
dēpascor, -ī, dēpastum
to feed on
artus, ūs (m)
auxiliō subeō, -īre
to help
tēlum, ī (n)
corripiō, -ere, correptum
to seize upon, snatch up
spīra, -ae (f)
a coil, fold, spire
ligō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to bind, tie
squāmeus, -a, -um
cervix, -īcis (f)
dīvellō, -ere, ī
to rend asunder, tear apart
nōdus, ī (m)
perfundō, -ere, -fūdī, fūsum
to pour over, soak, moisten
sanies, -ī (f)
diseased blood, bloody matter
vitta, -ae (f)
head-band, sacerdotal band
venēnum, ī (n)
mūgītus, -ūs (m)
bellowing, rumbling noise
saucius, -a, -um
wounded, hurt
excutio, -ere, -cussī, -cussum
to shake out, cast out, drive out
secūris, is (f)
axe, hatchet
dēlūbrum, ī (n)
temple, shrine, sanctuary
tegō, -ere, -xī, -ctum
to cover
insinuō, -āvī, -ātum
to put, place, thrust into the bosom
pavor, is (m)
a fear, dread, anxiety, trembling
scelus, -eris (n)
an evil deed, sin, crime, wickedness
mereō, -ēre, uī, -itum
to deserve, merit
cuspis, idis (f)
a point, (by metonymy) spear, javelin
rōbur, -oris (n)
hard wood
laedō, -ere, -sī, -sum
to hurt, wound, injure, damage
intorqueō, -ere, -torsī, -tortum
to twist, wrench, sprain
nūmen, -inis (n)
divine will, will of the gods
moenia, -ium (n., pl.)
city walls, ramparts
pandō, -ere, -ī, passum
to spread out, extend, unfold
accingō, -ere, -xī, -nctum
to gird on, arm, equip, furnish
lāpsus, -ūs (m)
a falling, slipping, gliding
stūpeus, -a, -um
made of rope
scandō, -ere, -ī, -sum
to climb, ascend
fētus, -a, -um
pregnant, full of
fūnis, -is (m)
rope, cord
minor, -ārī, -ātum
to threaten, menace (+ dat)
inlābor, -ī, -psum (also illābor)
to slide in, glide, flow in
līmen, -inis (n)
subsistō, -ere, -stitī
to stand still, to halt
immemor (adj)
unmindful, unthinking, negligent
festus, -a, -um
festive, solemn
vēlō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to cover, envelop, veil
frons, -dis (f)
leafy branch, green bough, foliage
expendō, -ere, pendī
to pay, expend, weigh out