Viral Hepatitis C Flashcards
hepatitis by infection with HCV
often follows a chronic course (80%)
what sort of virus is HCV
small, enveloped, ssRNA virus of flavivirus family
1 transmission -parenteral route 2 pathogenesis -HCV not directly hepatotoxic -humoral + cell-mediated response leads to hepatic inflammation + necrosis
what groups are at risk of HCV
1 IV drug users
2 tattooing
3 those on haemodialysis
what is a characteristic feature of HCV
lymphoid follicles in portal tracts
prevalence is <2% in developed countries
prevalence is higher in developing countries (middle east)
1 asymptomatic (90%)
2 mild flu-like illness (<10%)
3 may be diagnosed incidentally with abnormal LFTs or in elderly with cirrhosis
1 no signs/signs of CLD
2 extra-hepatic manifestations
-skin rash
-renal dysfunction
what is a skin rash caused by in HCV and what does it cause
mixed cryoglobulinaemia causing small-vessel vasculitis
what are cryglobulins
proteins which become insoluble at low temperature
what causes renal dysfunction
1 bloods -HCV serology -reverse transcriptase PCR -LFTs 2 liver biopsy -assesses inflammation + liver damage
what would you look for in HCV serology for
acute: anti-HCV antibodies (igM)
past exposure/chronic: anti-HCV antibodies (igG)
why is reverse transcriptase PCR used
to confirm infection following serology
what would be found on LFTs with acute HCV
raised AST + ALT
what would be found on LFTs with chronic HCV
2-8fold elevation in AST +ALT
what is the AST to ALT ratio
most causes of liver injury mean ALT>AST
however an AST to ALT ratio of greater than 2:1 suggests alcoholic liver disease
1 acute -no specific management -antipyretics, antiemetics, cholestyramine 2 chronic -combined interferon-alpha and ribavirin
3 regular USS with cirrhosis
what is inteferon-alpha
a cytokine which enhances bodies antiviral response
how long are HCV genotypes treated for
1+4: 24-48wks
2+3: 12-24wks
1 fulminant hepatic failure
2 chronic HCV carriage
3 cirrhosis
4 hepatocellular carcinoma
80% progress to chronic HCV infection
20-30% develop cirrhosis
what is the chief reason for liver transplant in the west
risk factors for progression
alcohol use