Violence and the INTL Political Order Flashcards
What is politics
the use of authority to allocate scarce resources and is a measn of coordinating social behavior
What are the two parts of politics
Authority: including power to coerce with legitimacy
Allocate scare resources to solve the scoietal conflict over what’s whose
What is political order?
stable patterns of regualrities of behavior that is induced by authority relationships and coercion
What does Hobbes Leviathan say about use of violence
centralized power in society allows it to function
Problem with the monopoly on violenc granted to the state
a state powerful enough to enforce the law is also strong enough to steal stuff (predation) and take for its own gain
Predation can be used to fuel more predation example
Nazi Germany
What were two main ways the USA legitimized its intervention in europe after the cold war ended
USSR was threatening, American military power was bound by institutions including our own democracy and NATO
After our unauthroized invasion of Iraq, some think our power is unbound
other countries need us to maintain order but fear us as becoming predatious
What is War?
a political act between two large orgainzations in order to secure political consessions or disarm an adversary. War signals resolve, reveals the distribution of military power and enables one side to impose terms on another.
It is a violent means to a political end
Explain Realim, Idealism,a nd Pacifism answers to the question on if there is ever a just war
Realism: morality has no place int he discussion of intl relations
Idealism: Morality should be considered but use of force may be necessary
Pacifism: killing is never justified, war is never just
What are the 3 overarchign components of just war theory
Jus Ad Bellum: just intitatuion of war
Jus In Bellum: just conduct of war
Jus Post Bellum: Justice after wars end
ALL 3 must be present for a war to be just
6 Parts of Just Ad Bellum
1) just cause like self-defence
2) war is a last resort after all other means have been exhausted
3) undertaken by a legitimate authority/state
4) right interntion/d3efense not aggression
5) reasonable chance of success
6) Ends proportional to the means
2 Parts of Jus In Bello
Discrmination between combatants and noncombatants
Proportionality: force used it proportional to the ends pursued
3 parts of Jus Post bello
1) Victors achieve the goals but not purse vengance
2) discrimination and proportionality apply, civilians should not be harmed and rights shoudl be protected
3) the peace after the war must be preferable to the peace before the war
What is the Utilitarian approach to war
war is sometimes necessary to prevent greater harm
ex:nazis, ISIS
check out lecture on the Crawford reading and reread notes on reading
do it