Cold War Module and Kennan Reading and sparrow interview Flashcards
Who was Brent Scowcroft?
He was the national security advisor for Nixon, ford and bush. played a key role in managing the cold war.
What was scowcroft’s influence on FP?
reguarded as an accepted force of integrity and intelligence. trusted by everyone and was passionate about FP
what was the course of events at the end of the cold war
enter Gorbachov, wants openness and change->reagan and Gorbachov talk but Bush later realizes they didn’t make much real progress->Bush uses stick and carrot and deals first with econ issues then with weapons control (Stark 1&2)
Who got the creidt with tend of cold war and who should have?
REagan got the credit but he had harsh rhetoric that shifted friendlier, Bush got results with onw warhead per missile agreement. as ussr collapses Bush wants stability
NATO, crumbling USSR issues
USSR thought they had an understanding that we wouldnt expand nato after the cold war and were upset because we did expand when they were weak
Is the debate over who gets the credit partisan?
no. some say reagan gets it some say gorbachov gets it
What was Kennan’s view of the USSR as told by what?
AS told by the long telegram. Said we wont be able to get along b/c soviets need an external enemy. Soviets are patient due to ideology and are liek water, need to contain and prove we have the better economic system
What is the Truman Doctrine and what are 5 points to know about it
it was AFP to stop Soviet expansion particularly in greece. 1)WE need to back democracy becasue Britain left a power vacuum 2)est. anti-communism as basis of AFP 3) established america as the only ones that can stop chaos 4)precedent o fUS intervention 5)introduced domino theory
What was the Marshall Plan and how did it contribute to containment
it tried to protect democracies from estremeists by improving economies. it was open door policy and security interests together. afterward was a series of crisis favoring ussr
what were 5 things that followed the MArshall Plan that favored the USSR & what are 2 US responses
Czechoslovakian govt overthrow, Berlin Blockade, Soviet atomic Bomb, communist china, korean war. USA founds NATO and NSC 68 (defense budget increase)
What is the German Problem
a unified germany would be threatened by surrounding powers and threatening to safety of europe. short term solution was to fragment germany. Germany would have to be able to defend from 2 sides and would have incentive to create buffer zones.
what were the ussr and usa plans to solve the german problem
USA wanted to integrate west germany and democratize it. USSR wanted to communize east germany and integrate it into soviet bloc
USA concerns about what soviets would do in Germany and vice versa
USA worried hat Soviets would retake west Berlin and berlin was a major signal if if us would actually defend europe as a whole. soviets worried that an integrated west germany could attack USSR (aggravated by Ike’s thought to give german’s nukes)
What were some isntances of the german problem in the cold war
berlin crises (blocades and airlifts), cuban missile crisis (to give USSR more bagaining power in berlin), nuclear test ban treaty (no nukes in germany and china and eases cold war)
What were the third world interventions for the usa and ussr
us had korea, vietnam, overthrowing iran, supporting anti-communist dictatorships in latin america, USSR had afghanistan
Why were the thrid world itnerventions less effective than the marshall plan was in europe
Europe actually wanted us there and we had been friends for a while. Soviet threat was immediate, cultural ties (old country). Third world was freshly free from imperialism and probably bought into Linen’s liberation theory and the exploitation of capitalism (1st hand exp). Communists also had home field advantage and just needed to kill us political will
What were the two phases of Reagan’s rhetoric
first stage was confrontation. arms buildup and SDI/Starwars. Second stage was cooling rhetoric and embracing soviet reform
What were Gorbachov’s 2 contributions to the end of the cold war
“New Thinking” to spread communism to the west by improving ties with the west. ending military intervention to put down democratic revolts. Sinatra Doctrine said Eastern Europe could do what they wanted and this embolded protests and hastened decline