Violence Flashcards
Where is violence first presented in the Bible?
The very beginning, when Cain murders Abel. Cain’s own sinful heart causes the violence and God condemns it and punishes him.
How is murder presented in Exodus?
It is forbidden, 6th commandment = ‘you shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13)
Attacking, kidnapping and hitting with a fist or stone were all condemned in Exodus 21:15-18.
What violence in context of war does God condone?
In the Old Testament, God orders wars fought by the Israelites, to claim or protect land that He promised to them. But the intention was to look forward to a time of peace.
How do Christians interpret those events in the Old Testament?
Some interpret them as giving justification for war to defend peoples and nations. War may be the only way left to establish a peaceful resolution.
What does Jesus speak of in the New Testament?
He speaks of the peacemakers being blessed in the Sermon on the Mount. Teaches followers to love their enemies, to pray for those who persecute them and to turn the other cheek in response to violence.
How do some Christians interpret Jesus’ teachings?
The teaching makes it wrong to use violence in any context, so they would always look for a peaceful solution.
Key quotes to discuss Christian views on violence. (3)
‘Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all fighting men draw near and attack.’ (Joel 3:9)
‘Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.’ (Genesis 9:6)
‘Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not nay because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.’ (Romans 13:5)