Why is leaf pulling early in spring less of a problem than later in the season? (in terms of sunburn)
The young green grapes will protect themselves by creating a kind of ‘sunscreen’. After veraison they will just get sunburned.
What would be a good moment to start the budrubbing
After risk of springfrost (1st week of may in BDX)
What are ‘watershoots’?
Undesirable shoots from latent buds originating from above ground wood.
What is the risk of doing shoot thinning too early or too late? + indication of timing
Early to mid summer
Too early: regrowth
Too late: more difficult to remove
What parameters need to be recorded per vine throughout the year? (7)
- Number of buds
- Number of shoots
- Number of inflorescence
- Number of bunches (at version)
- Number of berries per bunch
- Berry weight
- Average yield
What are the main aims of wire lifting? (3)
- Increasing interception of light by leaves
- Aeration and cluster illumination
- Facilitating passages of tractors
When is the wire lifting being done?
Northern Hemisphere
May 1st, July 2nd
Southern Hemisphere
November 1st, July 2nd
Name 5 aims of summer trimming
- Improve spray coverage
- Reduce susceptibility to disease
- Facilitating passage of tractors
- Carbohydrate partitioning towards inflorescence
- Reducing evaporated transpiration
What would be a reason to start summer trimming or topping early?
Limitation of risk coulure in susceptible varieties
Name 4 types of irrigation
- Flood irrigation
- Over-head irrigation
- Drip irrigation
- Sub-surface irrigation
At which stages in the vine cycle does the wine needs sufficient water the most?
Flowering and veraison
Name an advantage of leaf removal specific for red and one for white
Red: increased synthesis of polyphenols (tannin and anthocyanin)
White: Increased aromatics (thiols)
At what two stages will leaf removal take place? Name early and late
Early: fruitset
Late: near maturity
What is the main disadvantage of machine harvesting in relation to fruit quality
Fruit will be de stemmed, more oxidation, more sulphur needed for protection
Name 3 consequences for a vine with of excess vigour
Increased transpiration
Increased foliar area
Increased risk of diseases