What is phyllotaxy?
Arrangement of leaves in space or pattern of lateral organs on the shoots
Describe from the following vitis species if they are male/female/hermaphroditic
1. Vitis Riparia
2. Vitis Romanetii
3. Vitis Vinifera
- Male
- Female
- Hermaphroditic
How much % of the flowers are successfully fertilised in general?
Which parts of the vine store nutrients?
All woody parts (lignified)
What are ‘ephemeral’ roots?
The roots that are the main structure of the vine. They are lignified (woody)
What grows first, the bunch or the tendril?
Tendril. Is needed for support.
At what part of the shoot will next years bud be formed?
At the place that has this years leaf
Which parts of the vine grow mostly at night? And which in the morning?
Night: Berries and tendrils
Morning: leaves
Name three types of buds
- Primary
- Lateral
- Dormant
What is meant by ‘apical dominance’?
The buds the furthest away will push the first. Vine wants to grow
Which part of the vine has the most nitrogen?
Leaves, in the chloroplast
What kind of acid is in high amounts in a dormant vine?
Abscisic acid. To keep metabolism to a minimum necessary for survival
What happens when the vine wakes up after dormancy? (4)
- Remobilization of nutrient reserves by pumping sugar into the xylem
- High hydrostatic pressure in entire xylem
- Rehydratation and reactivation of dormant buds
- Delivery of sugars in the absence of phloem flow (enable the buds to resume growth and break)
What forms a bud? (which part)
Shoot apical meristem
Which nodes in the bud will mostly form bunches?
Nr. 4 or 5.
Nr 1-2/3 only have leaves
At what part of the shoot are the buds the most fertile? start/middle/end
Fruitfulness of dormant buds increases from the shoot base to the middle and then decreases again