Vietnam War Flashcards
Vietnam was under the control of France until Japan took it over because France was overwhelmed by Hitler already. After Japan leaves, France retakes Vietnam and the U.S aids the French multiple times because we want them to fight against Vietnam’s fight for independence.
Ho Chi Minh
Communist leader in North Vietnam; formed the Vietnam to work for independence.
Domino Theory
Eisenhower announces this and it means that if communism settles in one country, other countries nearby will follow. We want to contain communism
Ngo Dinh Diem
Is the president of South Vietnam and lost support in S. Vietnam and the US as corruption in his gov’t becomes evident. Vietnamese Buddhists monks protest Diem’s corruption persecution of opposition, Buddhists, and lack of free elections.
Viet Cong
residents of S. Vietnam who opposed Diem and supported Ho Chi Minh and the communist forces of N. Vietnam; fight against S. Vietnam gov’t and later American forces.
President Eisenhower
Eisenhower sends money to France and the first “military advisors” to S. Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese to fight
President Kennedy
President Kennedy sends more US “military advisors” to S. Vietnam to help train South Vietnam’s soldiers to fight the communist Vietcong
President Johnson- first combat troops
Gulf of Tonkin gives pres. Johnson power to use military to respond to attacks on US forces. Johnson begins first bombing of N. Vietnam; begins sending American combat troops to fight in Vietnam; goal to force N. Vietnam to negotiate peace agreement.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Issued by congress after N. Vietnam torpedo attack on US ship (USS Maddox) in Gulf gives pres. Johnson power to use military to respond to attacks on US forces.
Operation Rolling Thunder
Johnson begins first bombing of N. Vietnam; begins sending American combat troops to fight in Vietnam; goal to force N. Vietnam to negotiate peace agreement.
Guerilla Warfare
Ambushing, hit and run, surprise attacks at night, kind of fighting Vietcong used
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Trails and pathways from N. Vietnam to transport weapons, supplies, etc. to Vietcong fighters in S. Vietnam
Credibility Gap
Public becomes concerned about difference between what they see happening in Vietnam on TV and what the gov’t reports
Agent Orange, Napalm
defoliant- type of chemical that makes a plant lose its leaves- goal to see more clearly (hideouts)
Controversies- causes health problems (cancer, birth defects, environmental issues)
Napalm- Gasoline based explosive, has consistency of pudding and would stick to you, burn skin.
“the living room war”
footage on evening news
huge part in the war. Advanced carry 6-8 soldiers gets them into/out of strategic spots, and helps to transport wounded out.
William Westmoreland
General in V. War
Robert McNamara
Secretary of Defense
Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State
Deferment- definition, different types, conscientious objectors
Deferment- to put off or delay, 3 types
Medical Deferment
College Deferment
Conscientious objectors- objected to war based on (religious) beliefs
Draft Dodgers
Opposed war, didn’t show up to draft burned draft cards, protested, escape to Canada.
Hawks and doves
War Protests, The ones who wanted war were known as the “Hawks” and who didn’t were known as the “Doves.”
Tet Offensive- effects, troop request
Major offensive by the Vietcong and N.V on the Vietnamese New Year “Tet”
Coordinated attacks all overs S. Vietnam
Many Americans killed
Westmoreland request 200,000 more troops
News footage of the fighting changes opinions of war in the US
Walter Cronkite
Beloved newscast host, this is the one time he gives his opinion, “this war appears to be a stalemate” he wants to withdrawal from Vietnam peacefully.
Election of 1968- Issues, Why didn’t Johnson run
Issues- Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement
“Great Society” programs to fight poverty.
Johnson decides not to seek re-election as democratic candidate
Hubert Humphrey
Vice President
Robert Kennedy
Democratic National Convention- Chicago, protests, candidate
Protest violence in the streets
Republican Richard Nixon wins 1968 election defeating Democrat Hubert Humphrey.
Richard Nixon- wins election ‘68- campaign promises
Promises to withdrawal from Vietnam; “peace with honor”
re-establish “law and order”
“the silent majority”
Those Americans Nixon believed supported his plans
Pentagon Papers
documents are leaked to press revealing that the US gov’t had been misleading the public about the fighting in Vietnam and was not really planning to withdrawal.
My Lai Massacre
American soldiers kill 400-500 civilians in village in search of Vietcong revels. Vietnamese were unarmed women, children, and the elderly
American public hears of the event- soldiers defense was that they were “following orders”, Lt. William Calley charged with murder
Nixon’s plan to train S. Vietnam’s military and gov’t to continue the fight against communist N. Vietnam without US involvement
Kent State
Students shot by national guard troops during anti-war protests. 4 Students killed. 12 wounded- University closed for 6 weeks
26th amendment
voting age lowered to 18
The War Powers Act
President must inform congress within 48 hours of sending US forces into a hostile area without a declaration of war/60 day limit unless congress approves continued action or declares war
Effects of the Vietnam War- Vietnam, US
Vietnam- reunited as country under a communist gov’t, Citizens displaced, refugees, Environmental and human damage from war chemicals, napalm, and agent orange
United States-
Veterans- physical effects from injuries, chemical exposure; mental effects- post-traumatic stress
Veterans- negative reception by American public who opposed the war
Political- war powers act limits president
Public- credibility of gov’t damaged US involvement in foreign conflicts always compared to Vietnam
Vietnam War Memorial
Designed by Maya Lin; Inscribed with all names of those that died- 58,000 names
“The Wall”
The Three Servicemen- memorial
The Vietnam Women’s Memorial