VI - Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Flashcards
Definition of Psychological Trauma
Individual’s experience of events or conditions in which (1) ability to integrate emotional experience is overwhelmed, or (2) the individual experiences a threat to life, bodily integrity, sanity
What are trauma and stressor related disorders (according to DSM-5)?
Disorders in which traumatic/stressful event is a diagnostic criterion. Close relationship between these disorders and anxiety disorders, OCD and related, dissociative disorders. Psychological distress after event is variable.
5 Trauma and Stressor Related
Reactive Attachment Disorder Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder *Postraumatic Stress Disorder* *Acute Stress Disorder* *Adjustment Disorder*
PTSD History
Entered DSM in 1980 b/c Vietnam Vets. Initially viewed as normal response to abnormal stress. DSM-IV: pathological response to extreme form of stress. DSM-V criteria more stringent
DSM-IV vs DSM-V diagnosis of PTSD
DSM-IV - viewed as pathological response to extreme stressor; range broadened; must feel “intense fear, helplessness or horror”; broadening -> 90% of samples with the necessary response; mostly death; women more likely
DSM-V - event must be directly experienced (not via TV, etc). Death must be close friend/relative and violent/accidental. Removal of specific emotional requirement
PTSD Criteria (8)
(A) Exposure
(B) Intrusion
(C) Avoidance
(D) Negative Mood + Cognitions
(E) Alterations in Arousal and Reactivity
(F) Duration: 1 month +
(G) Clinically significant distress/impairment in functioning
(H) Not due to physiological effects of substance or another medical condition
Can be with dissociative symptoms (depersonalization or derealization) or with delayed expression - must specify
PTSD Criterion A
Criterion A: Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence by one or more:
(1) direct experience
(2) witnessing
(3) learning that somebody close experienced (violent or accidental if death)
(4) experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of traumatic events (such as police officer and domestic abuse). Not media or images unless it is work-related
PTSD Criterion B
Criterion B: Intrusion - presence of one or more of following:
(1) Recurrent, involuntary, intrusive distressing memories of event
(2) Recurrent distressing dreams where content/affect related to event
(3) Dissociative reactions/flashbacks where individual feels or acts as if event were recurring
(4) Intense/prolonged distress to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble aspect of event
(5) Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that resemble aspect of traumatic event
PTSD Criterion C
Criterion C: Avoidance - persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with event, 1+ of following:
(1) Avoidance distressing memories, thoughts, feelings about or closely associated with events
(2) Avoidance of external reminders that arouse distressing memories, thoughts, feelings about or associated with event
PTSD Criterion D
Criterion D: Negative cognitions or mood beginning or worsening after the event - two or more:
(1) Inability to remember due to dissociative amnesia
(2) Persistent, exaggerated negative beliefs and expectations about self, others, world
(3) Persistent distorted cognitions about causes and consequences of event that lead to self/other blame
(4) Persistent negative emotional state (fear, horror, anger, guilt, shame…)
(5) Diminished interest/participation in significant activities
(6) Feelings of detachment, estrangement from others
(7) Persistent inability to experience positive emotions
PTSD Criterion E
Criterion E: Arousal and Reactivity - alterations beginning or worsening after event - 2+ of:
(1) Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (little or no provocation) expressed as verbal, physical aggression towards people/objects
(2) Reckless, self-destructive behavior
(3) Hypervigilance
(4) Exaggerated startle response
(5) Problems with concentration
(6) Sleep disturbance
Functional Consequences of PTSD
- Social, occupational, physical disability
- Economic costs
- High level of meds
- Impaired functioning in social, interpersonal, developmental, educational, physical health, occupational
- Poor social/family relationships, absenteeism from work, lower income, lower education, worse occupation
Differential Diagnosis of PTSD Symptoms
Symptoms of PTSD may seem similar to those of other disorders such as adjustment disorders, acute stress, anxiety disorder, depression, personality, dissociative, conversion, psychotic, traumatic brain injury
Adjustment Disorder (Differential Diagnosis of PTSD)
Psychological response to common stressor (divorce, death of loved one, loss of job) that results in significant behavioral/emotional symptoms that begin within 3 months. Must experience more distress that expected in circumstances or be unable to function regularly. After 6 months, diagnosis changes. Diagnosis used when response to stressor that meets PTSD criterion A does not meet all other criteria, or when symptoms of PTSD appear without A.
Acute Stress Disorder (Differential Diagnosis of PTSD)
Symptoms of PTSD, but duration of 3 days to 1 month after traumatic event. If symptoms more than 4 weeks, diagnosis may be changed to PTSD.