Disorder Review Flashcards
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Failure to initiate and respond to social interactions or excessive familiarity in children.
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Overfamiliarity with unfamiliar adults
Postraumatic Stress Disorder (DSM-V)
Psychological Trauma: (1) ability to integrate emotional experience is overwhelmed, or (2) individual experiences threat to life, bodily integrity, sanity
(A) Exposure
(B) Intrusion
(C) Avoidance
(D) Negative Mood, Cognitions
(E) Alterations in Arousal and Reactivity
(F) Duration: 1 month +
(G) Clinically significant (H) Not due to substance or another medical conditionSpecifiers: dissociative (depersonalization or derealization) or delayed expression
Acute Stress Disorder
Response to PTSD Criterion A that lasts 3 days to 1 month; if longer diagnosis may change to PTSD
Adjustment Disorder
When PTSD criterion A is met but response is less, or response is equivalent to PTSD but criterion A not met. Usually response to common stressors result in significant behavioral, emotional symptoms. Afer 6 months, diagnosis may change
Bipolar I
At least one manic or mixed episode. Depression does not have to reach level of major depressive disorder.
Manic episode: Period of elevated, euphoric, abnormally energetic, expansive, or irritable mood for 1 week +. Three of following: (1) grandiosity, (2) less sleep, (3) more talkative, (4) racing thoughts, (5) distractibility, (6) goal-directed activity, (7) involvement in high risk/irrational activities. Significant impairment, hospitalization, or psychosis. Rapid Cycling possible
Bipolar II
Hypomanic episodes - Episodes with same criteria as manic: 3+ of the listed symptoms. However, no hospitalzation necessary, and ability to keep on with life. Patient must meet major depression criteria
Cyclothymic Disorder
Cyclical mood swings that are less severe than mood disorder - symptoms like dysthymia and hypomania. Symptoms 2+ years. Lacks severe symptoms/psychosis of bipolar. May be significant periods between episodes that functioning adaptive.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Used for young individuals (under 18) with difficulty controlling mood. Angry outbursts, dark moods.
Major Depressive Disorder
1 or more MDEs:
(A) 5+ of symptoms for 2+ weeks: (1) Depressed almost always, (2) Dimished pleasure in most things, (3) Weight changes, (4) Sleep changes, (5) Psychomotor changes - agitation or retardation, (6) Feelings of worthlessness, (7) Fatigue, (8) Diminished cognitive powers or indecisiveness, (9) Suicidal thoughts
(B) Not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder; not superimposed on psychotic disorder
(C) Never manic or hypomanicSpecifiers for episodes: melancholic, psychotic, atypical, catatonic, seasonal
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Mild/moderate depression that lasts at least 2 years. Intermittent, brief normal moods
Somatic Symptom Disorder (DSM-V)
(A) 1+ Somatic significant/distressing symptom
(B) Excessive thoughts, feelings, behaviors, feelings of seriousness, anxiety devoted to this symptom
(C) Usually 6+ months, but not necessarily same symptom the whole time
Illness Anxiety Disorder (DSM-V)
(A) Preoccupation with having or acquiring serious illness
(B) Somatic symptoms not present or mild
(C ) High anxiety
(D) Excessive behaviors or avoidance
(E) 6+ months, not necessarily the same one
(F) Not better explained by other disorder
Conversion Disorder (DSM-V)
(A) Altered voluntary movement or sensory function
(B) Symptom and medical findings not compatible
(C ) No better explanation
(D) Clinically significant
Factitious Disorder (DSM-V)
(A) Falsification of physical/psychological symptoms, or induction of injury/disease
(B) Self-presentation
(C ) No obvious external incentives
(D) Not better explained by another disorder such as delusional and psychotic
Specific Phobia
Fear triggered by object or situation. Can be: animal, natural environment, blood, situational, etc.
Social Phobia
Fear of one or more social situation with exposure to scrutiny or negative evaluation. 2 subtypes: performace (speaking) and non-speaking (eating in public)
Panic Disorder
Unexpected panic attacks; worry about more attacks or maladaptive avoidance for at least 1 month after an attack. Brief, intense. 4+ of physical symptoms must occur.
Anxiety about being in places from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
(A) Excessive anxiety more days than not for 6 months about number of activities (not just about panic attack)
(B) Difficult to control
(C ) 3+ of: restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
(D) Clinically significant
(E) Not due to substance or medical condition
(F) Not explained by another disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Recurring intrusive thoughts, impulses, images - disturbing, inappropriate, uncontrollable. Usually accompanied by compulsive behaviors to neutralize obsessive thoughts or prevent dreaded event/situation. 1+ hour a day
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Obsessed with imagined or actual flaw in appearance so far to believe they are disfigured. Compulsive checking. Avoidance of behaviors so people will not see defect. Reassurance only provides temporary belief.
Hoarding Disorder
Hoarding seemingly useless items interferes with normal activities of life
Compulsive hair pulling
Skin picking
Anorexia NervosaSubtypes: Restricting and Binge-Eating/Purging
(A) Restriction of intake relative to requirements leads to significantly low weight
(B) Fear of weight gain and persistent behavior to prevent gain
(C ) Self evaluation dependent on weight or lack of recognition of seriousness of low body weight
Bulimia Nervosa
(A) Recurrent binge eating
(B) Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors
(C ) Once/week+ for 3 months
(D) Self-evaluation unduly influenced by shape/weight
(E) Disturbnace not only during episodes of anorexia
Binge Eating Disorder
(A) Recurrent binge eating
(B) Binge-eating associated with 3+ of following: eating rapidly, feeling uncomfortably full, eating a lot when not hungry, eating alone due to embarrassment, feeling disgusted or guilty after eating
(C ) Distress regarding binge eating
(D) 1+ times/week for 3 months
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Core features: Suspiciousness, Distrust. Suspects others are exploiting, harming, deceiving without probable cause. Preoccupied with doubts of trustworthiness and reads demeaning content into neutral. Grudges, unforgiving. May have transient psychotic symptoms under stress
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Core feature: Detachment. Inability and lack of desire for social attachments. Solitary activities. Pleasure in few things. Indifferent to praise, criticism.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Core feature: Eccentricity in cognition, perception, behavior. Peculiar thought patterns and distortions, strange speech/perception interfere with interpersonal relationships. Personalized and superstitious, may believe they have magic powers. Transient psychotic symptoms under stress.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Core feature: Emotionality and Attention-Seeking. Concerned with attractiveness, attention. Emotional, self-dramatizing, self-centered, vain, approval-seeking. Angry if attention not given. Easily influenced. Consider relationships to be closer than reality.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Subtypes: Grandiose, Vulnerable
Core features: Grandiosity, Need for Admiration, Lack of Empathy. Want admiration. Self-promoting, with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, love. Believe they are unique, and that they can only be understood by high-status people. Entitled and retaliatory if not validated.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Core feature: Disregard for and violation of rights of others. Look up DSM diagnostic criteria.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Core feature: Affective instability. Pervasive pattern of instability with relationships, self image, affect. 5+:
(1) Unstable affect
(2) Unstable relationships - idealization or devaluation
(3) Unstable self-image
(4) Impulsivity in 2+ self-damaging areas
(5) Suicidal behavior/threats or self-harm
(6) Frantic to avoid real/imagined abandonment
(7) Chronic emptiness(8) Inappropriate, intense anger
(9) Transient stress related paranoia or dissociation
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Core features: Social Inhibition, Feelings of Inadequacy. Extreme social insecurity. Ineptness, hypersensitivity to criticism, shyness. Deficits in ability to feel pleasure. Want interpersonal contact but avoid
Dependent Personality Disorder
Core features: Helplessness, Self-doubt. Need to be cared for, problems separating and being alone, subordination of needs to keep others there, lack of anger, indecisiveness
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Core Feature: Preoccupation with control. Excessive control with order, rules, details. Overly conscientious, neurotic, inflexible. Lack of expressiveness and ability to relax/have fun.
(A) 2+ present for significant portion of 1 month period: (1) Delusions, (2) Hallucinations, (3) Disorganized Speech, (4) Disorganized or catatonic behavior, (5) Negative symptoms such as diminished emotional expression or avolition. Note: at least one from 1-3
(B) Dysfunction in work, relationships, or self-care
(C) Signs of disturbance for 6+ months, with 1+ months with symptoms in A
(D) Rule out schizoaffective, depressive, bipolar
(E) Symptoms not caused by substance or medical condition
(F) If with autism or communication disorder, must have hallucinations or delusions for 1+ months
Schizoaffective Disorder
Hybrid of schizophrenia and mood disorder, with mood symptoms meeting full criteria and present for 50%. Look up!
Schizophreniform Disorder
Like schizophrenia but only 1-6 months long
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Like schizophrenia but only a couple of days
Delusional Disorder
Delusions but otherwise normal