Verse Quiz 1 Flashcards
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works
2 Timothy 3:17
studying and meditating on the Word of God is crucial to fulfilling God’s will
Joshua 1:8
God has promised to preserve His Word
Matthew 5:17-18
God’s Word is timeless and permanent
Psalm 119:89
the Word of God will stand forever
Isaiah 40:8
God-breathed (theopneustos)
historic, orthodox view: literally, all the words were breathed out by God
plenary inspiration
all the words were breathed out by God
verbal inspiration
“the writings” (words written down)
God’s giving of the words that the writers wrote down
being without error (God gave the words of Scripture without error in the original autographs)
indwelling Holy Spirit giving the ability to understand Scripture
a straw man argument (false argument) that the writers became robots or zombie-like, their consciousness being suspended, while writing scripture
mechanical dictation
says inspiration is merely heighten creativity
natural inspiration
says some is inspired, some is not inspired
partial inspiration
says God inspired thoughts; men wrote in their own words
conceptual inspiration
says the Bible becomes the Word of God when it is meaningful, or “speaks,” to the reader (encounter)
experiential inspiration
says God merely supervised the writers of the Bible, allowing them to write down what they experienced, what they thought, and what they did, as long as no error or mistakes crept in