Angelology Test Flashcards
Angels protect God’s people
2 Kings 6:16-17
Hell was created for the Devil and his fallen angels
Matthew 25:41
angels are spirit beings sent by God to minister to man
Hebrews 1:14
some fallen angels are currently bound, awaiting future judgement
Jude 6
one-third of the original angels fell with Satan
Revelation 12:3-4
spirit beings
burning ones
often a pre-incarnated appearance of Christ
Angel of the Lord
associated with messages to Israel regarding their Messiah
“bright one”, described as the anointed cherub
“like God”, the archangel
one who takes a position against; primary opposition to God
ridicules and defames God’s own
draws toward dishonoring behavior/attitudes
unable to be corrupted (holy angels cannot be corrupted); confirmed in holiness (due to a decision to align with God instead of Satan)
having free will to choose right or wrong
creation of angels
- Jesus created all
- Jesus created angels
- all that was created was created in six days
- God created heaven and angels at the same time
conclusion: God created heaven and angels early on day one, then He created earth
nature of angels
- spiritual beings
- ability to appear in bodily form
what are angels associated with?
direct revelation from God
what are Cherubim associated with?
the vindication of God’s holiness
what are Seraphim associated with?
the unceasing worship of God
what works are ascribed to Gabriel?
- announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias
- announced the birth of Christ to Mary
- prophesied Antiochus Epiphanes’ persecution of Jews and their deliverance
- prophesied the first and second comings of Christ
what is Michael associated with?
the defense of Israel
OT evidence of the personality of Satan (Job 1-2)
- Santa roves, looking for prey
- Satan slanders Job’s testimony
- Satan is restrained by God
- Satan attacks Job’s family and fortune
- Satan attacks Job’s body
NT evidence of the personality of Satan
- Christ’s temptation (Matthew 4; Luke 4)
- Satan’s desire to destroy Peter (Luke 22:21-22)
Satan’s original state (Ezek. 28:12-18)
- his power - “the king of Tyrus”
- his past - “though has been in Eden”
- his position - “anointed cherub”
- his perfection - “thou wast perfect”
- his pride - “thine heart was lifted up”
- his perdition
abilities of Satan
- effectual influence, but not omnipresent
- exceptional intelligence, but not omniscient
- extraordinary power, but not omnipotent
characteristics of demons
- they oppose God
- they prefer a physical body
- they have knowledge of spiritual realities
position of demons
- past - intended for holy service
- present - serve Satan
- future - destined for judgement
our spiritual warfare
- we are made “a little lower than the angels”
- we face spiritual attacks regularly
- we must “put on the whole armor of God”
- we have a guaranteed victory