Verbs (imperative) Flashcards
to have
you (informal) have
you (formal/plural) have
داشتن (dashtan)
داشته باش (dashta bash)
داشته باشید (dashta bashed)
to be
you (informal) be
you (formal/plural) be
بودن (bodan)
باش (bash)
باشید (bashed)
to eat
you (informal) eat
you (formal/plural) eat
خوردن (khordan)
بخور (bokhor)
بخورید (bokhored)
to drink
you (informal) drink
you (formal/plural) drink
نوشیدن (noshedan)
بنوش (bonosh)
بنوشید (bonoshed)
to do
you (informal) do
you (formal/plural) do
انجام دادن (anjam dadan)
انجام بده (anjam bodah)
انجام بدهید (anjam bodahed)
to wash
you (informal) wash
you (formal /plural) wash
شستن (shostan)
بشوی (boshoy)
بشوید (boshoyed)
to want
you (informal) want
you (formal/plural) want
خواستن (khastan)
بخواه (bokhah)
بخواهید (bokhahed)
to ride
you (informal) ride
you (formal/plural) ride
سوار شدن (sawar shodan)
سوار شو (sawar sho)
سوار شوید (sawar showed)
to run
you (informal) run
you (formal/plural) run
دویدن (dawedan)
بدو (bodaw)
بدوید (bodawed)
to cook
you (informal) cook
you (formal/plural) cook
پختن (pokhtan)
بپز (bopaz)
بپزید (bopazed)
to dance
you (informal) dance
you (formal) dance
رقصیدن (raqsedan)
برقص (boraqs)
برقصید (boraqsed)
to fight
you (informal) fight
you (formal) fight
جنگیدن (jangedan)
بجنگ (bojang)
بجنگید (bojanged)
to listen (2 terms)
you (informal) listen
you (formal) listen
گوش کردن/دادن (gosh kardan/dadan)
گوش کو/بده (gosh ko/bodah)
گوش کونید/بدهید (gosh koned/bodahed)
to laugh
you (informal) laugh
you (formal/plural) laugh
خندیدن (khandedan)
بخند (bokhand)
بخندید (bokhanded)
to read
you (informal) read
you (formal/plural) read
خواندن (khandan)
بخوان (bokhan)
بخوانید (bokhaned)
to write
you (informal) write
you (formal/plural) write
نوشتن (naweshtan)
بنویس (bonawes)
بنویسید (bonawesed)
to buy
you (informal) buy
you (formal) buy
خریدن (kharedan)
بخر (bokhar)
بخرید (bokhared)
to go
you (informal) go
you (formal/plural) go
رفتن (raftan)
برو (borow)
بروید (borowed)
to take/to carry
you (informal) take/carry
you (formal/plural) take/carry
بردن (bordan)
ببر (bobor)
ببرید (bobored)
to ask a question
you (informal) ask a question
you (formal/plural) ask a question
سوال پرسیدن (sawal porsedan)
سوال بپرس (sawal bopors)
سوال بپرسید (sawal boporsed)
to talk
you (informal) talk
you (formal/plural) talk
گپ زدن (gap zadan)
گپ بزن (gap bozan)
گپ بزنید (gap bozaned)
to return/to go back
you (informal) return/go back
you (formal/plural) return/go back
برگشتن (bargashtan)
برگرد (bargard)
برگردید (bargarded)
to leave
you (informal) leave
you (formal/plural) leave
برامدن (baramadan)
برای (baray)
برایید (barayed)
to come
you (informal) come
you (formal) come
آمدن (amadan)
بیا (boya)
بیایید (boyayed)
to get up
you (informal) get up
you (formal/plural) get up
برخاستن (barkhastan)
برخیز (barkhez)
برخیزید (barkhezed)
to take a shower
you (informal) take a shower
you (formal/plural) take a shower
دوش گرفتن (dosh greftan)
دوش بگیر (dosh boger)
دوش بگیرید (dosh bogered)
to sleep
you (informal) sleep
you (formal/plural) sleep
خوابیدن (khabedan)
بخواب (bokhab)
بخوابید (bokhabed)
to sell
you (informal) sell
you (formal/plural) sell
فروختن (frokhtan)
بفروش (bofrosh)
بفروشید (bofroshed)
to look
you (informal) look
you (formal) look
دیدن (dedan)
ببین (biben)
ببینید (bibened)
to say
you (informal) say
you (formal) say
بگو (bogo)
بگویید (bogoyeed)