Verbs: Dâdan Verbs Flashcards
allow, permit
Ejâza dâdan (اجازه دادن) – To allow, to permit
Meaning: To allow, to permit.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He allows his brother to borrow the car.”
Ou be barâdarash ejâza midahad ke mashin râ gharz begirad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“She allowed her friend to leave early.”
Ou be dustash ejâza dâd ke zood beravad.
Tip: “Ejâza” often comes with be (to) and is followed by ke + verb for actions.
- Javâb dâdan (جواب دادن) – To answer
Meaning: To answer.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She answers all the questions politely.”
Ou be hame soâlha be mehrbâni: javâb midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He answered my email yesterday.”
Ou email-e man râ diruz javâb dâd.
Tip: Use be (to) for specifying who is being answered.
carry out, do (like task)
- Anjâm dâdan (انجام دادن) – To carry out, to do
Meaning: To carry out, to do (like a task).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He carries out important tasks at work.”
Oo kar-hâ-ye mohem râ dar shogl anjâm midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They carried out the project successfully.”
Ânhâ projet râ be movaffaqiyat anjâm dâdand.
Tip: Often used with râ to emphasize the specific task being done.
- Taghyir dâdan (تغییر دادن) – To change
Meaning: To change.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
Ra’is barname-ye kar râ aghlab taghyir midahad.
Modir barname-hâ-ye kâr râ modâvem taghyir midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They changed their decision after the meeting.”
Ânhâ tasmim râ pas az jalase taghyir dâdand.
Tip: Used with râ when specifying what is being changed.
- Edâme dâdan (ادامه دادن) – To continue
Meaning: To continue.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“They continue the project despite the difficulties.”
Bâ vojood-e sakhti-hâ, ânhâ projeh râ edâme midahand.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“She continued studying after the meeting.”
Ou Bad az jalase dars râ edâme dâd.
Tip: Often followed by râ when referring to an ongoing task or project.
- Tozih dâdan (توضیح دادن) – To explain
Meaning: To explain.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“The teacher explains the lesson clearly.”
Mo’allem dars râ be sorat-e ravshan tozih midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He explained the rules before the game started.”
Ghabl az inke bâzi shoroo kone, oo qavâ’id ro tozih dâd.
Tip: Use râ to indicate the specific thing being explained.
behbood dâdan
- Gharz dâdan (قرض دادن) – To lend
Meaning: To lend.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He lends money to his friends when they need it.”
Ou be dustânash pool gharz midahad vaghti niyâz dârand.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“She lent her brother a book last week.”
Ou hafte-ye gozashte be barâdarash yek ketâb gharz dâd.
Tip: Be specifies the person being lent to.
- Goosh dâdan (گوش دادن) – To listen
Meaning: To listen.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“I always listen to music while working.”
Dar hâl-e ke kar mikonam, man hamishe be musiqi goosh midaham.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They listened to the lecture yesterday.”
Ânhâ diruz be sokhanrâni goosh dâdand.
Tip: Use be before the thing being listened to (e.g., be musiqi).
- Sefaresh dâdan (سفارش دادن) – To order
Meaning: To order (e.g., food, items).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He orders pizza every weekend.”
Ou har âkhar-e hafte pizza sefaresh midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They ordered drinks for the meeting.”
ânha nushidani râ baraye jalese sefaresh dâdand
Tip: Commonly used with food or items.
- Shekast dâdan (شکست دادن) – To overwhelm, to defeat
Meaning: To overwhelm, to defeat.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“The team defeats their opponents every time.”
Tim har bâr horuf râ shekast midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They defeated the other team in yesterday’s game.”
Ânhâ tim-e digar râ dar bâzi-ye diruz shekast dâdand.
Tip: Often used with râ when referring to the opponent or thing being overwhelmed/defeated.
pay (informal)
- Pool dâdan (پول دادن) – To pay
Meaning: To pay (informal).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He pays for dinner every time they eat out.”
Oo har bâr ke ânhâ biroon ghazâ mikhorand, barâye shâm pool midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They paid the bill after lunch.
“Bad az nahâr, ânhâ soorat-hesâb ro pool dâdan.
Ânhâ pas az nâhâr fâture râ pool dâdand.
Tip: Often followed by râ to specify what was paid for.
- Tarjih dâdan (ترجیح دادن) – To prefer
Meaning: To prefer.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She prefers tea over coffee.”
Ou châi râ be ghahve tarjih midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They preferred to stay home instead of going out.”
Ânhâ tarjih dâdand dar khâne bemânand be jây-e birun raftan.
Tip: Use râ with the preferred option, and be with the alternative
- Erâ’eh dâdan (ارائه دادن) – To present
Meaning: To present (e.g., an idea, project, or work).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She presents her ideas in meetings.”
Ou dar jalasehâ ideh-hâ-ye khod râ erâ’eh midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He presented a new strategy yesterday.”
Ou diruz yek esteratiji jadid râ erâ’eh dâd.
Tip: Always pair erâ’eh dâdan with râ for the object being presented.
- Gozâresh dâdan (گزارش دادن) – To report
Meaning: To report (e.g., findings, results, issues).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“The manager reports the project’s progress every week.”
Modir har hafte pishraft-e projet râ gozâresh midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He reported the issue to his supervisor.”
Ou moshkel râ be modir-e khod gozâresh dâd.
Tip: Use be with the recipient of the report (e.g., be modir).
- Neshân dâdan (نشان دادن) – To show
Meaning: To show, to demonstrate.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He shows his students how to solve the problem.”
Oo be dâneshjoo-hâ-ye khod neshân dâd ke chetor moshkel râ hal konand.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“She showed the photos to her friends.”
Ou aks-hâ râ be dustânash neshân dâd.
Tip: Use be to indicate who the object is being shown to.
suggest, propose
- Pishnehâd dâdan (پیشنهاد دادن) – To suggest, to propose
Meaning: To suggest or propose (an idea or solution).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He suggests a new solution for the problem.”
Ou yek hal-e jadid barâye moshkel pishnehâd midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“She suggested a book for us to read.”
Ou yek ketâb barâye khândan pishnehâd dâd.
Tip: Use barâye (for) when suggesting something for someone else.
take (an exam)
- Emtihân dâdan (امتحان دادن) – To take an exam
Meaning: To take an exam (not to give one as a teacher).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“The students take an exam every month.”
Dâneshjoo-hâ har mâh emtihân midahand.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“I took the math exam yesterday.”
Man diruz emtihân-e riyâzi râ dâdam.
Tip: Use râ to indicate the specific exam being taken.
- Yâd dâdan (یاد دادن) – To teach
Meaning: To teach (skills, concepts, knowledge).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She teaches cooking to children.”
Ou be bache-hâ ashpazi yâd midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He taught me how to swim last summer.”
Ou tabestân-e gozashte be man shenâ yâd dâd.
Tip: Use be (to) to specify the recipient of the teaching.
to lose, like an opportunity
. Az dast dâdan (از دست دادن) – To lose (an opportunity)
Meaning: To lose (e.g., an opportunity or something valuable).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“He doesn’t want to lose this opportunity.”
Ou nemikhâhad in forsat râ az dast bedahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They lost the chance to buy the house.”
Ânhâ forsat ro az dast dâdan ke khune ro bekharan.”
Tip: Use râ for the thing that is lost (e.g., forsat râ).
to return, give back
- Pas dâdan (پس دادن) – To return, to give back
Meaning: To return or give back (an item).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She returns the book to the library every week.”
Ou har hafte ketâb râ be ketâbkhâne pas midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“He returned the borrowed money yesterday.”
Oo pool-e gharz ro pas dâd.”.
Tip: Use be for the recipient of the returned object.
- Ray dâdan (رای دادن) – To vote
Meaning: To vote (in an election or decision).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“Citizens vote in every election.”
Shahrvandân dar har entekhâbât ray midahand.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“I voted in the last election.”
Man dar entekhâbât-e gozashte ray dâdam.
Tip: Pair ray dâdan with the event (e.g., dar entekhâbât).
- Hader dâdan (هدر دادن) – To waste
Meaning: To waste (e.g., time, resources).
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She doesn’t waste her time on unimportant things.”
Ou zamani râ barâye chiz-hâ-ye gheyr mohem hader nemidahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“We wasted too much money on this project.”
Mâ pool-e ziâdi râ ruye in projet hader dâdim.
Tip: Use râ for the thing being wasted (e.g., zamân râ or pool râ).
cultivate, nurture
Parvaresh dâdan (پرورش دادن) – To grow, to nurture, to raise
To grow, nurture, or raise something, such as plants, animals, or even skills and qualities.
Example Sentence (Simple Present):
“She grows beautiful plants in her garden.”
Ou dar bâghash giyâh-hâ-ye zibâ parvaresh midahad.
Example Sentence (Simple Past):
“They raised chickens on their farm last year.”
Ânhâ sâl-e gozashte dar mazra’e morgh parvaresh dâdand.
Tip: Use parvaresh dâdan for cultivating or raising living things like plants (giyâh), animals (morgh), or even abstract qualities like courage (shojâ’at).
Pair with locations (e.g., dar bâgh – in the garden) or objects (giyâh-hâ – plants).