Verbos Indirectos Flashcards
We like the climate here
A nosotros nos gusta el clima aquí
They dislike the noise of the buses (fastidiar)
A ellos les fastidia el ruido de los buses
Do you like blonde girls? (encantar)
¿A ti te encantan las chicas rubias?
She dislikes macho men (disgustar)
A ella le disgustan los machistas
I am fascinated by the churches in South America
A mí me fascinan las iglesias de Sudamérica
He is gladdened by the warmth of the people
A él le alegra el calor de la gente
They are bothered by rudeness
A ellos les molestan las groserías
You (pl) are interested in mexican culture
A ustedes les interesa la cultura mexicana
It surprised them that they won
A ellos les sorprendió que ganaran
I don’t care about their negative words
A mí no me importan sus palabras negativas
It didn’t seem fair to her
A ella no le pareció justo
It pleases you that your friend has arrived
A ti te agrada que tu amigo haya llegado
The state of the country angers us all (2 verbs)
El estado del país nos enoja a todos
A todos nos indigna el estado del país
They were lacking the necessary resources
A ellos les faltaban los recursos necesarios
He is concerned about his lack of experience
A él le preocupa su falta de experiencia
Her legs were hurting during the climb
A ella le dolían las piernas durante la subida
We have plenty of options
A nosotros nos sobran opciones
If he had lived during the sixties, he would have liked rock music
Si hubiera vivido en los años sesenta, a él le habría gustado la música rock
If you had met her, you would have liked her
Si la hubieras conocido, a ti te la habría gustado
He disliked violence towards black people (fastidiar)
A él le fastidió la violencia hacia los negros