Verb Conjugations (εἰμι) Flashcards
parse ἐσῃ
2nd person singular future indicative ‘you will be’
conjugate εἰμι in the 2nd person plural imperative
conjugate εἰμι in the 1st person plural imperfect indicative ‘we were’
ἠμεν or ἠμεθα
conjugate εἰμι in the 3rd person plural subjunctive
parse εἰμι
1st person singular present indicative ‘I am’
conjugate εἰμι in the 3rd person plural imperative
conjugate εἰμι in the 3rd person plural present indicative ‘they are’
parse εἰ
2nd person singular present indicative ‘you are’
parse ἐσται
3rd person singular future indicative ‘s/he will be’
parse ἐσεσθε
2nd person plural future indicative ‘you will be’
conjugate εἰμι in the 3rd person singular imperfect indicative ‘s/he was’
parse ἠσθα
2nd person singular imperfect indicative ‘you were’
parse ᾐϛ
2nd person singular subjunctive
parse ἰσθι
2nd person singular imperative ‘Be!’
parse ἐσομαι
1st person singular future indicative ‘I will be’
parse ὠ
1st person singular subjunctive
parse ὠμεν
1st person plural subjunctive
parse ἠτε
2nd person plural imperfect indicative ‘you were’
conjugate εἰμι in the 2nd person singular present indicative ‘you are’
conjugate εἰμι in the 1st person singular imperfect indicative ‘I was’
conjugate εἰμι in the 3rd person singular subjunctive
parse ἠμην
1st person singular imperfect indicative ‘I was’
parse ἠν
3rd person singular imperfect indicative ‘s/he was’