Ventricles Flashcards
Borders of the ant.horn of lat.ventricle
Lat.: head of caudate nucleus
Med.: septum pellucidum
Floor,Ant., Roof: radiation of corpus callosum (rostrum&Genu&body)
Situated anterior to the interventricular foramen of Monro
Central part of Lat. ventricle
Posteriorly from interventricular foramen, at the level of splenium of corpus callosum
Roof: corpus callosum
Floor: dorsal thalamus, covered by Lamina affixa.
Lat.: body of caudate nucleus
Med.: choroid Lamina epithelialis of Lat. ventricle
Posterior horn of Lateral ventricle
Lat. wall: tapetum of corpus callosum
Other: occipital white matter
- medial wall: 2 longitudinal elevations—> bulb of post.horn by forceps major & calcar avis
- on the floor the collateral trigone is found
Inferior horn of Lateral ventricle
Floor: hippocampus and collateral eminence
Roof&lat.wall : tapetum, Stria terminalis and tail of caudate nucleus
Anterior: amygdaloid nucleus bulges into the anterior end of the horn.
Med.wall: choroid lamina epithelialis
3rd ventricle
Located in the midline ventricle cleft of diencephalon
Lat. wall: thalamus,hypothalamic sulcus and hypothalamus
Roof: choroid lamina epithelialis + tenia thalami + Habenular commissure
Floor: hypothalamus, optic chiasm, infundibulum, mamillary bodies, subthalamus
Ant.wall: ant.commissure, columns of fornix, lamina terminalis
Post.: habenular commissure, post.commissure
2 interventricular foramina- laterally
Cerebral aqueduct- posteriorly
4th ventricle
Roof (tent shape):
sup.medullary velum, inf.medullary velum, nodule of cerebellum, choroid lamina epithelialis of 4th vent.
Floor (rhombus shape—> rhomboid fossa):
Stria medullares, facial colliculus, locus ceruleus, vestibular area, hypoglossal trigone, vagal trigone, area postrema