Brain & Spinal Development Flashcards
Telencephalon derivatives
*From prosencepahlon
Cerebral hemispheres Caudate nucleus Putamen Amygdaloid Hippocampus Claustrum Olfactory bulbs Lateral ventricle
Diencephalon derivatives
*From Prosencephalon
Thalamus Hypothalamus Subthalamus Epithalamus (=pineal gland) Retina Mammillary bodies Neurohypophysis Optic chiasm Optic tract & nerve Third ventricle
Mesencephalon derivatives
*From mesencephalon vesicle
Cerebral aqueduct
Metencephalon derivatives
*From Rhombencephalon
4th ventricle
Myelencephalon derivatives
*From Rhombencephalon vesicle
Medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
Central canal
Cephalic flexure
Midbrain flexure
B/t prosencephalon &rhombencephalon
Assist in bending of forebrain over anterior part of the notochord and foregut—> floor of forebrain is at the same level of the hindbrain.
Midbrain temporarily holds the most dorsal part and prominent position in embryo
Cervical flexure
Located b/t prosencephalon and future spinal cord
Pontine flexure
Located at the junction b/t metencephalon and myelencephalon
Surface ectoderm derivatives
Anterior pituitary- derived from Rathken’s pouch
Neural tube derivatives
*From neuroectoderm CNS Posterior pituitary Oligodendrocytes (myelinating cells of CNS) Pineal gland Retina and optic nerve Astrocytes
Neural crest derivatives
*From neuroectoderm
Adrenal medulla
Sensory& autonomic (postganglionic) ganglia
Pharyngeal arch cartilage
Schwan cells (myelinating cells of the PNS)
Meninges- arachnoid & Pia mater (Dura- mesoderm)
Mesodermal derivatives
Dura mater
Connective tissue layers of the PN: endoneurium, perineurium& perineurium