Telencephalon Flashcards
Consists of cerebral hemispheres & basal ganglia. Contains the lateral ventricles.
Cerebral hemispheres
separated by longitudinal cerebral fissure & falx cerebri, interconnected by corpus callosum & consists of 6 lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insula, limbic (cingulate).
Central sulcus of Ronaldo
Transverse sulcus- separating frontal and parietal lobes.
Ant: precentral gyrus (motor cortex, frontal lobe)
Post: postcentral gyrus (sensory cortex-parietal lobe)
Lateral sulcus of Sylvius
Divides frontal & parietal lobes from the temporal lobe below
Side branches:
1.Ascending (ventrical) ramus
2. Horizontal ramus- subdivided the inf. frontal gyrus into 3 parts.
Frontal lobe
From the frontal pole to the central sulcus, above the lateral sulcus.
Frontal convex s.f
Precentral gyrus & sulcus
Sup. frontal gyrus & sulcus
Middle frontal gyrus & inferior frontal sulcus
Inf. frontal gyrus- divided by the horizontal ramus into:
- orbital part
-Triangular part
-Opercular part (covers the operculum)
Frontal basal s.f
Medial to lateral:
Straight gyrus
Olfactory tract & bulb- in olfactory sulcus
Orbital gyri
Frontal medial s.f
Ant. paracentral lobule- paracentral sulcus
Med. frontal gyrus
Parolfactory area (subcallosal)
Paraterminal gyrus: (pencucle of corpus callosum)
Parietal lobe
From central sulcus to the occipital lobe. Lies sup. to the temporal lobe.
Parietal convex s.f
Postcentral gyrus
Sup. parietal lobule
Inf. parietal lobule: Supramarginal gyrus, Angulae gyrus, Parietal operculum.
Parietal medial s.f
- Post. paracentral lobule- marginal sulcus: separate the post. paracentral lobule from precuneus
- Precuneus
Temporal lobe
From temporal pole to a line connecting the parieto-occipital sulcus & the preoccipital notch.
Lying below the lat. sulcus- extends up to the collateral sulcus
Temporal convex s.f
1) Heschl transverse gyri: in the lat. sulcus, extends from sup. temporal gyrus to the MGB
2) Sup. temporal gyrus &sulcus: Wernicke speech
3) Middle temporal gyrus&sulcus
4) Inf. temporal gyrus&sulcus
Temporal basal s.f
Lat. occipitotemporal gyrus= Fusiform
Collateral (occipitotemporal) sulcus
Occipital lobe
From a line connecting the parieto-occipital sulcus and preoccipital notch to occipital pole